Mozilla community once again announced his vision of the anonymity of users on the web. It is possible that in early 2011, Firefox will click "no trace". Anyway, so says Gary Kovacs, executive director of Mozilla Corporation. He also claims that absolutely agree with the statements of many users need to keep the "traces" the web is under control.

Currently, the Mozilla community is also concerned about the methods of online advertising agencies and networks that hook or by crook trying to get any information about the user, in order to provide the most appropriate advertising interests of most users. Clearly, as a result of these actions the company gain more clients, but generally speaking, such methods are already on the verge of a little more and all this can be called theft of information.

Worst of all, the user can not control their own "footprints" on the Internet - the concept of "anonymity of the Internet" is becoming more elusive.

It is interesti ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 56815 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (732)

What then, dear habrazhitel, if earlier, you could find all sorts of throwing, working with faceless passers-by in the subway or train station, then more recently they have mastered computers, electronic databases, the color printing industry and other benefits to the computer Mailing name paper as spam and put in your personal mailbox in the entrance designed color brochures and promotional material personally for you (and your parents), indicating all the details, names and other things to ingratiate themselves . What to expect from a well-equipped spammers-throwing? How do they earn and how to protect themselves from them? Consider the following example. (Photo by gently traffic)

So, we got another letter. This is not the first letter of this year. Open it and see.

Envelope Front

Envelope rear

We see a real address and name of the recipient, but noticed immediately that all postage s ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 5686 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (19)

Yet this summer - more precisely, in August, it became known that Intel wants to buy anti-virus company McAfee. The transaction value is quite high - $ 7.68 billion. Antimonopolschiki U.S. immediately drew attention to this deal, and began to check its validity, as happens in such cases. By the way, this deal is the largest in the history of Intel.

Corporation has agreed to buy MacAfee to expand its influence in the rapidly growing market segment of network security applications. Today it became known that the Fair Trade Commission has approved the transaction, so it will be completed shortly. However, there is another problem - the European Antimonopolschiki, but often the Europeans waiting for the decision of American colleagues, and then make a similar decision.

Analysts believe that the special problems in treating the transaction by the European legislator should not be so very soon MacAfee actually pass under the top of Intel. Naturally, after the completion of th ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1433 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Famous cryptologist, bestselling author of cryptology, the developer of ciphers Blowfish and Twofish, became interested in human psychology. Bruce Schneier believes that to create good computer security systems need to study the brain of homo sapiens, very carefully - the neocortex and amygdala.

Next week, Bruce Schneier will speak at the RSA conference and talk about their latest research and thinking on the connection between psychology and computer security. Report promises to be quite interesting.

Cryptography guru himself explains that the purpose of his speech will not at all practical methods of cryptography or security of computer data, namely, the arguments about how people think and how they feel about the computer (and not just computer) security. It really is a serious psychological problem worthy of medical investigation.

"A lot of time in RSA we are trying to understand why people do not protect their computers, why they behave so irrationally. This c ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1128 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Where the smoker - there and open the door. Total ban on smoking in offices, forcing dependence on nicotine geek to run into the street. Back door is left open for them. According to British specialists, social hackers can use this "hole".

British consulting firm NTA Monitor, which specializes in IT-security, conducted an experiment. During this experience, a hacker could easily enter the corporate building through a back door, which left specifically for smokers. Inside the building the attacker using social engineering techniques entered the meeting room. Full-time employees of the company held it there and left alone.

To penetrate into the building did not need a hacker to pass. He simply waited for smokers smoke break is over, and then went through the same door. A few minutes later he was able to connect my laptop to the corporate VoIP-network - directly from the meeting room. Fortunately, the company data network has been separated from VoIP-network, so that unauth ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1235 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

This question is currently anyone who has the resources on the Internet that host their own writings (original content).
The same question I started asking myself since the beginning of 2006, when the network began to emerge clones of my work.

The first clone was the menu (which I did for the first version of the portfolio) at the site of one of DJ-I, which is the most insolent manner stole all the menus, do not even bother to change (flashers will understand me), no color masks, no algorithm, no even bugs. In the future, the incident was resolved quite peacefully - by adding my copyright and link to the site.

Next, there were several similar clones of works from my blog, but, frankly, did not want to understand, because attendance of those resources has been a little crazy, and the forces on the proceedings was not - summer is back!

2007 has presented absolutely stunning (to me) a surprise.

March 3. About six o'clock in the evening.
The ICQ ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1202 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (2)

Not so long ago, or rather the beginning of December was the disclosure of a bug in the recursive processing of CSS in different versions of IE. Presented PoC could just drop a browser, but to survive from it of something more meaningful unable to start this week, while in Metasploit does not appear to exploit full exploitation of this vulnerability.

PoC originally looked like:
<div style="position: absolute; top: -999px;left: -999px;">
< link href = "css.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" />
</ code>

<code of css.css>
* {
color: red;
@ import url ("css.css");
@ import url ("css.css");
@ import url ("css.css");
@ import url ("css.css");
</ code>

error is damaged memory in the parser of HTML pages (mshtml.dll) in the processing of pages containing recursive include CSS object CStyleSheet:: Notify removed and later this memory area can be used to transfer control to arbit ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1201 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

Attack on Rutaceae DNS-servers, recorded in early February, possibly the kind of advertising action. "Advertisers" demonstrated its potential in the organization of large-scale attacks using botnets. This version put forth in a special document, the representatives of ICANN - the organization for the purpose of domain names, website

With what version of the advertising campaign looks very interesting, agrees CEO of OpenDNS DNS-service and EveryDNS Ulevich David (David Ulevitch): «ICANN representatives have suggested that this could be someone trying to demonstrate the power of his boat networks and the ability to use their custom. This is not about attacking the test in preparation for global action against themselves DNS-servers, and a way to demonstrate the potential of bot-nets to those who can use this potential against less protected targets. " According to Ulevich, a new similar attack is possible, but it is unlikely to destabilize the operation of servers ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1119 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

The company EM-SEC Technologies of North Carolina issued a press release, which said on successful tests of the material, developed its technology division. EM-SEC 2060, was named as the originator, is a special paint that is being deposited on the walls of rooms or buildings, screens it from the electromagnetic radiation of wireless communication: cellular or, for example, Wi-Fi.

A key component coating EM-SEC 2060, which in appearance and properties differs little from the usual vodoemulsionki - a complex polymer formula and manufacturing technique which, for obvious reasons, is a commercial secret.

Coverage is intended primarily for information security-critical parts (SCIF) private companies and public (including military) structures. Methods of industrial espionage, not to mention the spying "real" long can intercept information, even from cable networks, and so the theft of data from channels Wi-Fi and does become a kind of urban legend, horror stories for IT-Schnic ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1087 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

ShmooCon hacker conference this year were pleased with an arsenal of unusual devices that could be operated directly by visitors. That there is only a device Silica-based Nokia N800 - it automatically scans the surrounding Windows-computers via WiFi, reveals a vulnerable PC and allows you to take screenshots from any of them in a couple of mouse clicks (and not just screenshots).

Gadgets Silica sold for $ 3600 and fly like hot cakes, according to the developers of the company's Immunity. The price includes the base unit Nokia N800, and pre-configured set of programs, updated for the year ahead and two-hour course on using the device.

"Wireless hacker" can be very useful WiFi signal amplifier from the company, with which you can connect to the hotspot as much for three miles. Package worth $ 325 includes a 100-millivattnuyu card 802.11 b / g, 500 millivattny amplifier and antenna 9 dBi.

Among the exhibits you could find a device t ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1087 | Добавил: w1zard | Дата: 15.03.2011 | Комментарии (0)

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