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When the internet people will answer for their actions?
This question is currently anyone who has the resources on the Internet that host their own writings (original content).
The same question I started asking myself since the beginning of 2006, when the network began to emerge clones of my work.

The first clone was the menu (which I did for the first version of the portfolio) at the site of one of DJ-I, which is the most insolent manner stole all the menus, do not even bother to change (flashers will understand me), no color masks, no algorithm, no even bugs. In the future, the incident was resolved quite peacefully - by adding my copyright and link to the site.

Next, there were several similar clones of works from my blog, but, frankly, did not want to understand, because attendance of those resources has been a little crazy, and the forces on the proceedings was not - summer is back!

2007 has presented absolutely stunning (to me) a surprise.

March 3. About six o'clock in the evening.
The ICQ knocked on a citizen Nikita. With the move suggested that I change the design of my work, "Radio." And, at that time it had already been published on his website! No copyrights were not, but it was completely ripped as he roller, and a piece of my explanation to him. After my warning, it was removed. But not for long.

March 3. Somewhere, seven in the evening.
Again, knocked all the same, Nikita, but this time asked me to change the design for the money (boy, is already well ...). But after named the sum immediately declined (Sanchez word, the sum of trumpery - 50u.e.). Further, offered to pay "advertising" (that's thank you!). I have stopped responding. Well the truth, what's the use to continue to bicker. Said "No" means "No".

March 4. Morning.
I decided just to ask how Mr. Nikita kept his word. Went to his website. Opa! My job back in place, but this time there is my copyright (on the right, a little of this, mixed with the ad unit). At my formal letter of request to remove my work from this site, yet to be received no response. You have it.

But let's not just about sad. In July 2006, my colleague, Maria Pleshkova, won (although it converged on the world, but the money she paid for) a trial with one magazine that without her permission granted in the room one of her photos. Here's what she says herself:

yesterday finally completed my litigation with one publisher, which is wrongfully issued without the consent of my picture. The process was long, but the Court was pleased, satisfied the claim in a decent amount, even moral damages awarded. Who intresno, write, share documents and answering questions, publisher name just shut up.

06.07.2006 11:38:27 | ...

Especially for those who have "someone itching, Dmitri Ryabykh on its website ( link at the end of page) describes the 3 most common myth, which falsely guided by theft:

Myth number 1. Published in the online material can be used in any way, because it is designed for easy access.

Similarly, you can freely get access to radio or television, take a book from the library, etc. Internet has not changed anything in the principles of publishing, it is only a simplified copy of published materials.

Myth № 2. To use the materials on a commercial basis no permissions are required, we do not benefit from the.

First, of course, you will benefit, albeit indirectly. Someone has attracted the attention of published materials, someone creates a way advertising platform for future income generation, someone pursuing other goals, but in all cases, a publication that you used, help achieve these goals. Secondly, the publication of illegally using, you deal damage to its author. And then it does not matter whether it turned damage to your profits.

Myth number 3. The Internet is nothing impossible to prove, your violation go unpunished.

To prove in court the illegal copying of information from the Internet site is not much harder than working with printed sources. Another thing is that in most cases do not do this because of the complexity of procedures of trials and a small amount of damage. But one should never forget about other ways to protect the authors, not connected with the courts. Damage that your reputation will suffer, and perhaps not only the reputation, can be repeatedly cut off benefits to illegal publications.

To be continued ...

Dmitry Ryabykh
Sergey Stepanov
Legal Advice Online. Copyright

Links for comparisons: ... - the original.
Http:// ...

If the case of publishing the work will be removed, here is a screenshot
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