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VTB24 Security Telebank
Long benefited from Telebank VTB24.

To work proposed two schemes of protection - the map variable codes and digital certificate (in conjunction with Software Inter-PRO).
I'm using the card code variables, and each time signing payment orders in the bank, listen to a lecture about how I will feel good if I go to use the digital certificate.
The card codes variables more convenient to work on the banal reason - TeleBank can be used on any device, including where there is no way to install the required software. The most striking examples - the computer in an Internet cafe (or away), the communicator, the wrong OS (as correctly noted in the comments).
The main advantage of the same digital signature - Increase the limit fees and increased security. Just the security and makes me strong doubts about what I want to share with you,% username%, your thoughts.

Below are the benefits of using a digital signature of the leaflets of the bank.

1. you can be assured that joined VTB 24 and not to the site very much like it
2. hacker does not suit you attack Man in the middle (aka «Man in the middle")
3. to the server VTB24 not connect under the guise of an evil hacker client

Consider these items in the context of the two schemes - the variable codes and digital certificate.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 are in fact similar to 90%. In fact, it all comes down to a comparison: SSL vs. ... some there Protocol. "What's out there," the protocol is probably more resistant to the «Man in the middle», because the session is encrypted from the start (not exactly sure, but otherwise shamanism with Inter-PRO generally loses all meaning.)
Item 3, in my opinion, the main stone in the garden "enhanced security". I propose to compare that to do the required attacker in both cases to connect the guise of a client.

Digital Certificate. Certificate itself sneaks trojan. If it is protected by the password, the Trojans should be able to steal your password. Nothing supernatural.

Map. It is necessary to steal the password, again a trojan. But beware - the password is useless without the off-line (and do not inherently digital) card. The hacker must also seize your card.

So, in paragraphs 1 and 2 wins digital serifikat. In paragraph 3 - the map codes. Comparison of security schemes is reduced to comparing the likelihood of possible attacks.
What do you believe more - in the mythical hacker sitting between you and the bank, which is wedged in your SSL connection with a bank or a Trojan that steals your certificate?
I've made my choice - I do not believe in the mythical hacker, but I believe in the Trojans. My choice - the map variable codes.

P.S. After writing, featured an article to his wife, and she said that by using schemes with Inter-PRO a couple of months, as required, enter the code from the card variable codes. Everything falls into place. But I will stay on the current scheme due to the communicator.
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