Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Video captcha from nucaptcha
Video captcha from nucaptcha
Canadian startup NuCaptcha introduced a new kind of protection against robots commentators - Video captcha. The developers claim that their people videogolovolomki unraveling at the time, but programmers have to work hard to create automatic raspoznavalku.

In fact videokapcha is traveling on a curved line of the string of characters, of which the person is invited to recognize the last three, made in red. Background on which the letters are running is configured. Quantity and color of the key characters - none of these parameters are controlled in NuCaptcha and may be modified at any time, if the developers decide that both need to strengthen the protection of the robots, as well as people recognizing captcha for a fee.

However, something some extra protection in a system already exists. For example, if the system is suspect in user-captcha "nigger" (a way not specified, but is likely to analyze the frequency of input responses to videokapchi with the same IP-address), running a string of characters in the following captcha will slow down more and more. Respectively, will be delayed and the emergence of on-screen key red letters, so that the professional captcha-recognizer will go to 15 seconds for each videokapchu. Obviously, in NuCaptcha think it will work on recognition videokapch uneconomical even for Indians.

Currently, there are API for videokapchi on PHP,. NET and Java. There is also a Wordpress-Plugin. Over time, promise to support other languages ??and platforms.

About the minuses. Marquee consists of English words, respectively, red letters are chosen from the alphabet. English is used and additional elements videokapchi. In NuCaptcha currently working on supporting other languages, but it is not clear whether among these languages, Russian.

Try a captcha in action, please visit NuCaptcha.

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