Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Using snort to block the attack script kiddisov
Using snort to block the attack script kiddisov
This article does not purport to be complete descriptions of snort, but merely provides the user with a turnkey solution for protecting your server from the small and playful pens.
Personally, I put the whole thing on OpenBSD, but from changing the system are not changed.

Lyrical digression

snort ( - intrusion detection systems (NIDS) to ipv4 networks based on libpcap. Itself - the usual tcpdump. But it is possible to create rules by which it will block harmful traffic and create a security event (alert).
I have is a bunch of snort-sensor, linked through a collector based appended prelude ( All the rules are written himself.
Results (statistics work for 4 months):
false positives - about 2% (the average traffic - 120 Mbit / sec).
Locks per day - about 15.
Number of missed attacks - 0 (after the implementation of the security of any one server was not hacked. Under the protection cost Hosting and VDS).
In addition appended modules avtoabyusa on the RIPE database and blocking traffic to the root of Cisco.

So, we have:
A certain server mounted with a snort-inline (in the case of * BSD is installed from ports, in the case of Linux - from the source indicating the option - enable-inline).
To start configure itself snort (for your operating system path may be different - see the credit default configuration). / Etc / snort / snort.conf

# abbreviated version of the config - the rules of SourceFire I do not use.
Var HOME_NET # ip-address of your server
portvar HTTP_PORTS [80,8080]
# path to Rules
var RULE_PATH / etc / snort / rules
var PREPROC_RULE_PATH / etc / snort / preproc_rules
# do not allow an error processing packages - they do not need nafig
config disable_decode_alerts
config disable_tcpopt_experimental_alerts
config disable_tcpopt_obsolete_alerts
config disable_tcpopt_ttcp_alerts
config disable_tcpopt_alerts
config disable_ipopt_alerts
# Folder processors
dynamicpreprocessor directory / usr / local / lib / snort_dynamicpreprocessor /
dynamicengine / usr / local / lib / snort_dynamicengine /
# packet fragmentation - is needed for tcp
preprocessor frag3_global: max_frags 65536
preprocessor frag3_engine: policy linux
# tcp and udp processor - you need to httpinspect
preprocessor stream5_global: max_tcp 8192, track_tcp yes, track_udp no
preprocessor stream5_tcp: policy linux
# preprocessor stream5_udp: ignore_any_rules
# and here he http_inspect
# replace 1251 on its credit default encoding
preprocessor http_inspect: global iis_unicode_map 1251
preprocessor http_inspect_server: server default profile apache no_alerts ports {80 8080 8180} oversize_dir_length 500
output alert_syslog: LOG_ALERT
# inkludim classifiers traffic
include classification.config
include reference.config
# and the rules file
include $ RULE_PATH / local.rules

and create a $ RULE_PATH / local.rules:
# kill UNION SQL injection
drop tcp any any -> $ HOME_NET $ HTTP_PORTS (msg: "UNION SQL Injection"; uricontent: "union" ; nocase; uricontent: "select"; nocase; sid: 1; gid: 666)
# kill blind SQL injection
drop tcp any any -> $ HOME_NET $ HTTP_PORTS (msg: "Blind SQL Injection "; uricontent:" ascii "; nocase; uricontent:" substr "; nocase; uricontent:" select "; nocase; sid: 2; gid: 666)
# kill XSS / CSS
drop tcp any any -> $ HOME_NET $ HTTP_PORTS (msg: "XSS / CSS attack"; uricontent: "<script>"; nocase; uricontent: "</ script>"; nocase; sid: 4; gid: 666 ;)
# kill sly XSS / CSS
drop tcp any any -> $ HOME_NET $ HTTP_PORTS (msg: "XSS / CSS attack"; pcre: "/ GET \ / .* \? .* = (javascript: | onclick = | onmouseover = | onmouseout = | onload =) .* \ n / i "; sid: 5; gid: 666)
# kill .. / .. / .. / etc / passwd
drop tcp any any -> $ HOME_NET $ HTTP_PORTS (msg: "PHP include attack"; uricontent :"=../.."; sid: 6; gid: 666)

Run snort
snort-i em0-c / etc / snort / snort.conf-D
Check and be glad.
Note. There is not affected by security issues POST-requests, but nothing is impossible.

P.S. Published the article at the request of a kreon'a that Habre was not present.
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