Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » The war in kiberepohu the concept of geocentric theater
The war in kiberepohu the concept of geocentric theater

The development of cyberspace war has already led to a reassessment of many tenets of military science of the past, and even about the nature ensure global domination. There are new theorists of military affairs and the new theory.
The most interesting current results of this process (it is clearly only just begun and will present more surprises) is probably the doctrine of "geocentric TVD", put forward by the commander of space forces the U.S. Air Force Gen. Robert Koehler. At its core - understanding of the fundamental relationship of space and cyberspace. It is necessary to discuss the short but eventful history of the recognition of the doctrine of TVD geocentric, though here indicate its basic tenets, and try to understand its meaning.

Events unfolded as follows.
March 31, 2009 at 25 Space Symposium, General Kohler unexpectedly used the new term - "geocentric theater of war» (Spherical Battlespace) and in a few sentences describe it. The new theater of war extends downward from the level of the geostationary orbit (36 thousand kilometers above the Earth) to the surface, gradually absorbing all the old arena (the domains in the American terminology), a military confrontation - space, atmosphere, land, sea, and the new domain - cyberspace.
Immediately following this, in April 2009, General Kohler insisted, it would seem quite senseless and illogical solution - kibervoysk subordinate command of space forces (AFSPC). It would seem, is sheer nonsense - kibervoyska and space forces operate in completely different environments, different methods to solve various problems. Still subordinate to that of seamen infantry, infantry or aviation.
However, in May the same year the U.S. Senate approved the proposals and listened to the general. Cybernetic troops, it was decided to subject space.
A year later, on May 21, 2010 cybernetic command USCYBERCOM reached the status of a limited operational capability (IOC, Initial Operational Capability). In this case, it was not subject to command space forces, as Koehler insisted, but directly to Strategic Command USSTRATCOM. It would seem a contradiction - the scheme Koehler rejected? None. Even at the end of summer, it became known that Obama was nominated to the post of commander of Strategic Command. Such a staffing decision is just logical - in his new position, General easier to implement the new doctrine. Koehler hearing in the Senate prior to his appointment to the post of Commander of USSTRATCOM, passed less than a week ago, on November 18, up to us as yet unknown.
October 14, 2010 was first published a guidance document AFDD3-12 Cyberspace Operations, approved on July 15. It was noted that cyberspace - the first in the history of the artificial arena of combat operations. Before his appearance wars were fought only in the natural domain, that is, on land, at sea, in air and in space.
November 3 kiberkomandovanie reached the status of full operational capability (FOC, Full Operational Capability). U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn described cyberspace as the newest and most relevant (latest) domain at all. Regardless of its rightness or wrong, it is clear that sounded official point of view. And if so, then fight for it will be different determination, where all means are good.
What is the meaning of the concept of geocentric theater? It completely in a tank top is not present, besides a systematic and coherent presentation of it, we have not come across. Yes, and military thought is not standing still, the concept developed and transformed. However, its presence and its consistent implementation - an obvious fact.
Denote the beginning to the main provisions of the doctrine of Koehler, as well as the findings and their implications, in the form of abstracts.
1. All geocentric space is a common arena for military confrontation. By the way, the geocentric space theater is very well described by the term "noosphere".
2. Dominate the geocentric theater space, and cyber forces, which are actually a single entity and operating under a unified command.
3. Such unity of space and kibervoysk due to two factors. First, the transience of operations. Second, virtually no difference now between strategic and tactical levels of government.
4. The latter means that in the new reality of information needed to control the fighting, can no longer be divided into tactical (detailed and local) and strategic (global, but not as detailed) as it was before. At all levels of command and control information image of the situation must be one and the same - in fact, it should be a "rubber", coarsening (generalization) is impossible and unacceptable. This provision is known as the principle of situational awareness (Situational Awareness).
5. Naturally, the details of this should be a three-dimensional and dynamic. Any event, the object, the process must be localized in space and time.
6. In this case, cyberspace is not just the environment in which opponents krushat network with each other, but also a carrier of information image geocentric space - crucial to the victory in the war, a special "geographic information system." Without the availability of information image of the current situation winning the war impossible, and with it - it becomes predetermined. Because victory is achieved through early identification of threats and neutralize them with the concentration of resources - when and where and when needed. Dominate everywhere and always has not come out - this is clearly stated in Cyberspace Operations.
7. Victory is achieved not through depletion of the enemy, but through the "discouragement" through its actions that change the atmosphere so fast that he can not just do anything but accept - carried to its logical conclusion the concept of Maneuver Warfare.

Geocentric concept of the theater is a development of ideas of other leading military theorists of the U.S. - and especially of Admiral Mahan, Colonel Boyd (OODA-Loop), has done a lot to ensure U.S. dominance in the modern world. It's time to explore the ideas of Colonel detail. If the topic touched on here seem interesting, the following material is of Colonel Boyd.
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