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The Story of a failed burglary
I've used that to my mail, which was about seven years, comes a lot of spam, with very different: from distant relatives from distant countries, left me millions of money to the banal proposals to increase anything and everything and immediate application of this practice. I relate to spam, even a little bit with positives: open your mail, but there are a lot of letters, and sitting open like lottery tickets - that in the case, and what to throw.

But a couple of weeks ago, began to crumble one after the other letters from dissatisfied "administration», supposedly my mail account sends spam and I'm a bad man. The first letter, even a little surprised it was so similar in style and format for posts by this administration. Needless letters were fictitious, and references on which the proposed move were fake and lead to the sites to steal passwords.

Got a couple of these emails, I have warned all women and some of their older relatives and friends who showed poor writing and explain why you should pay attention to them and that the actual administration of the site will never ask in a letter to enter the login and password. All nodded, but said that no such letters did not come.
Oh well, I thought, but I was soon to post the letter with the heading «Re: hacked!" And the following content:

Please send me a screen image page with the letters in your inbox. Write a letter to this email with the sender as I can also

-----Original Message -----
From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:24:27 +0300 (MSK)
Subject: hacked!

Hello you ordered hacking of this post that I write to you ... to get the password please write to

Here - this is my email address (this address has changed, to a similar . The real address is composed of the same characters and represents the same nonsense and has no meaning). In addition to his address, the message transfers from 1 to 1 as it is.

Then it became immediately clear why I was so generously showered with letters to the proposal to give my password. Someone someone ordered a hacking my box, which itself was unpleasant. Weakly imagined, for what hackers need my mail, because nothing super interesting to it had been recorded: ICQ, hosting, domains, and a pair of an account on rated in yedinichku - most interesting is that it can get. Itself was very interesting that these people, and I began to look for in a network of people e-mail addresses.

Search for a fellow yielded no results, but, as it turned out, a hacker-Kidalov with experience. First, this "hacker" elicits a password through phishing emails, and when not, simply sends a letter, inserting the address of the sender's e-mail that should have been hacked. That is, if two people (the host address or the customer) at least one is inattentive or just a simpleton, a hacker gets his money.

So then the customer was a simpleton, though distrustful. After receiving a letter supposedly my mailbox, he doubted and asked for a screenshot of the inbox. Just posted a letter not a hacker, but for me, simply click on the button to answer. Here it was a sin not to take a moment to find out why attempts to compromise my post that I actually did. I have registered two email accounts: and, which at first glance resemble the real address of attackers. Decided to use them almost the same methods in general. And he wrote two letters: the customer hacking and performer. From the Executive all banal - he did not even answer, apparently just rides the whole situation (although the next day it's another 2 letters with the proposal to enter somewhere your username and password). But the customer immediately responded to the letter because I put a screenshot of your inbox. Asked to double-check everything again and write the number of purse. What I did, stuck another screenshot. The next day I appeared in a purse 1000. Here is how much is breaking box at ... The Customer wrote 3 letters, threatening that if I cheat, then he would write a complaint to arbitration, Webmoney. Very funny!

Explain to a person that he has for some time, do not communicate with the attacker, and with a host address, offered to return his money if he explained why he needed my mail. In response received "I have such a nickname." In general, got sick on carry on a conversation with this character. My mail is - quite frankly, random set of letters, for registered it as a time to register for any forums, but in consequence was to use it as a major. In addition, this login is free on domains, etc. We assume that the studied lackadaisical customer bad deeds, and nedohakera. And the money for some time to pray thee to purse the case if the person apologizes and still explain why he started all this, and if the miracle does not happen - give somewhere where they really come in handy for using them have no desire.
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