Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » The boundaries of privacy
The boundaries of privacy

Each person has an inalienable right to keep secrets. Own, sacred territory information on which outsiders do not enter. Where is the boundary of this territory? The answer is always subjective. It depends on the profession and the position in society, and of society itself, and the nature of man. When the area of ??privacy is increasing or decreasing, where it gets worse and somewhere better. At the extreme points of disadvantages clearly more than positive. If the area is zero - a man is naked and helpless, like rats in a numbered box. If secrecy is absolutely everything - a man infinitely lonely, and almost all the benefits of modern civilization, it is not available. Somewhere between these extremes is the optimum. Most advantageous in terms of comfort and security point.

Why do we defend our territory? What makes us feel uncomfortable when our secrets are revealed? We are afraid that other causes of damage to us, knowing our secrets. Stolen, laughed at, hit the place where the hardest. If there is no harm - it makes no sense to keep a secret. If you live in a country with low crime and corruption, and simple moderate taxes, there is no reason to bother to hide their income. If you live among people who do not care about your religious beliefs or sexual preferences, then you have no sense "for the kind of" walk (or walk) to church and diligently to demonstrate the "high morals". If in your country, the results of all elections is not known in advance, and journalists who publish malicious libels and picky investigation of presidents and ministers, all as one, alive and well and enjoying themselves at liberty, then you do not make sense to conceal his low opinion of intelligence and morality the current government.

So, privacy is of no value in itself. It is important only under adverse external conditions. In tropical countries, people are costing almost entirely without clothes. Closer to the poles - was wrapped in several layers. Note! Clothing - the easiest and most obvious, but the most inconvenient and uneconomic way to combat the cold. It hinders, sometimes pressing and freedom of movement (just like zamorochki with encryption keys and passwords!)

How else can stop suffering from the cold? You can go to warmer climes, it is to escape from the bad conditions. However, it is not always possible and reasonable. You can build a warm house, that is partly to change the terms. You can start a temper and get rid of the clothes, ie change its reaction to external conditions. All three of these methods require much more effort at first, and risky, but gives a much more stable and convenient way to solutions.

Information Security on the Internet are very similar to the clothing of our climate metaphor. Encrypt, block, record, to restrict access - to muffle warmer. All this is certainly necessary and important. Completely abandon the "clothing" is impossible. But do not forget that all this is in some sense an urgent, temporary measure, which is much more security and comfort in the future can be secured only affecting the very source of the threat, or making themselves immune to the threat without any additional protection.

What does this mean in terms of information security? The main babai modern Internet - Big Brother. Government, payment systems, security services, Google, FaceBook, Amazon, Vkontakte watching you! From them you can not hide! Should I? Boycott them, encrypt, hide - originally a losing strategy.

Once I was shooting for a news story about how they brought elephants to the circus. Some huge beasts chetyrehtonnyh many hours spent in close trailer. They were very unhappy. Each of them could easily crush a man as a bug, but five trainers for a few minutes outstripped the elephants in the enclosure and soothed by bringing them to wash Cahors wine. Elephants only vigorously complained verbally (you heard roaring like elephants? "From a distance of five meters?" Without a lattice? Unforgettable experience! A slamming sweet wine each from the road and eating contentedly rokochut. It turns out that a cross between a kitten and a tank) .

If the trainers are scattered from the elephants at the first sign of defiance - no good cause had not ended. But they acted in concert and not panic. They knew the habits of animals and nature. And, most importantly, the elephants, too, knew something of their trainers. After all, these are people who feed them, care for them, play with them. Elephant - a clever animal, he would not be without a good reason to touch those who need it.

So it is with "Big Brother". They are big and strong, but depend on us less than we from them. If they are generally not binding - well then, living in a forest or what? If fear and hide - will still be found, if need be. They can and must cooperate. But they must be controlled. This is what we feed them, and contains. And that they should fear us. Of course, if they fought off the hands and allow themselves too much, sometimes it's better bristle cryptography and anonymous proxies, but you can not stop there. Although the temptation is great. We are uncomfortable leaving the familiar cocoon of high-tech and seek a solution outside of the algorithms and protocols. Politics, protests, manifestos - all this for us. We are better zashifruemsya better and everything. "Chick-Chick, I'm in the house!" So for most of the guarantees of the integrity of our private lives (and indeed all our rights and guarantees), we have to thank "the crowd of hamsters, which was not afraid to somewhere to go on strike, somewhere go to the protest, and to force same governments and corporations to behave properly.

What's wrong with that, Google or FaceBook owned a bunch of information about my affairs and interests, if I can be sure that abusing this information, they will lose a thousand times greater than the gain? Their reputation rests on the fact that they do not divulge my secrets to anybody.

If you really quite impossible to do without advertising, it's better small narrowly targeted messages, which sometimes can be a useful reference than twenty irrelevant banners that I would have to contemplate, do not collect personally identifiable information they have.

Instead of hiding itself, it is best to ensure that states and corporations had fewer secrets from us. Want to have a complete dossier on us? Please just do not have to hide and operate. Even now, the need to publicly report, record and provide citizens and shareholders information about their work strongly binds the hands of an unscrupulous "servants of the people." If they have become more information about me, and I'll have more information about them, to be sure that no one abuses the knowledge of my secrets. It's a fair exchange.

At all times the servants knew a lot about the habits of the hosts. Now machines have replaced us servants. Here by a simple calculation shows that the modern Europeans spend annually to meet its needs of energy equivalent to hundreds of slave labor. Same thing on the Internet. How long it would take man-hours to manually make a selection of links on any issue that Google gives a few milliseconds? Opening of their personal information space, we get a lot of advantages. What is the use of servants who do not know the tastes and regulations of their host? Anything can happen, a servant may make or rebel, but we need a sober assessment of the threat. At the construction site must comply with safety regulations, but to walk down the street in a helmet - it is diagnosed. Though yes, of course, in theory, something could fall on his head.

I want to have as little as possible secrets. Behind every secret is some sort of trouble. I've come up with a password pozakovyristee not because I like it, but because the threat of hacking the account is real. I'd really like to go to your mailbox as the main Habra, without authorization. I would like to open the door of his apartment kick when hands are full. Life without secrets far more pleasant.

That's why most people disregard as relates to information security, raising cautious admins to hysterics. Yes, usually they are too careless. But the champions of privacy and control over their own information too concerned. Geeks tend to fall into the second category. After all, we, unlike other people, too well known as conditional access control to a "closed" information. Literally everything is kept the word of honor or a byte somewhere in the server code. That is why we are so obsessed with cryptography, decentralization, and host-proof. And the people around us look at another draft decentralized safe social network and think:
Well, it's better than FaceBook?
How?! That is - full control over your personal data!
And I so can not edit your details ...
Nay! It's not that! They are all stored in the data center of evil corporations.
And my cares? Look, I pay the same on the card, but not in the bedside table, so what? Everything works, everyone is happy, get lost!

That's all. To "drag" safe decentralized technology is not enough carrot in the form of "Big Brother". Need a cake. It managed to do BitTorrent, because fast download anything for free - it's cool and everybody understands that. Only offering necessary and understandable to any benefits, you can make the protocol and software based on this mass. Perceived area of ??privacy, a zone in which the fear of losing control over the discomfort from the use of safety equipment for the average person is much less than that of the boom. Wrap a secure and cryptographically strong technology in a beautiful and convenient wrapper, provide a set of useful, cheap and preferably unique features, as did, for example, the creators of Skype - and people will use this technology.

But each time, successfully defended another corner of private life, it is worth considering how to make it all possible was not to defend? That the descendants were surprised by our stories that once made sense to hide their address and phone number, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs or the amount in the bank. That they looked at us like we are now looking at here is the lady of the XIX century:

What, do not see in it anything unusual? And she in a bathing suit!

P.S. This topic has grown from a couple of proposals in Topeka about the prospects of a distributed P2P-hosting. Since there are so many characters and the theme is more dry and technical, I decided to publish them separately, but at the same time.
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