Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Take out a bunch of passwords from the peering networks
Take out a bunch of passwords from the peering networks
Had this idea for a long time - ever since when I learned about wand.dat. Until recently, all did not get around.

So, we have
  1. The browser Opera. Keeps it all remembered passwords from sites in the file wand.dat in cleartext. True in the open only if it is not necessary master password, which of course nobody puts. What caused the developers to save passwords in an unencrypted form, if there is no master password? Unknown. It would be logical forcefully not save passwords in general, unless the user did not set a master password.
  2. Direct Connect. "Part of a centralized file sharing (P2P) network." User rassharivaet folders / files on your computer, go to the hubs, shakes / distributes. Search for works within the connected hubs. The uniqueness of these files is through the Tiger Tree Hashing. People who have nothing rassharivat (many hubs are not allowed without a minimum of 10-15 balls GB) rassharivayut Program Files, Windows, well, and their ilk.
  3. / Dev / hands. Well, without this in any way.

What was the idea: to write a bot, sits on the hubs and regularly seeking and swinging wand.dat. I wrote a program on your favorite Delphi.
Actually, the algorithm of the bot:
  1. Boat scans the folder for saving files, sorts out the files from the given pattern name, keeps TTH files (the module for removal of TTH for Delphi written MetalFan'om and taken away) in memory. At the same time creates a batch-script to handle all existing wand'ov one double click. As the parser is used, such as this.
  2. , The pre-prepared list of hubs in the format of one line - one hub. " At each hub creates a separate thread.
  3. How to make a list of hubs? Swings bz2-file to hubs, unpacked, parsed by anything (below an example of the parser in php).
  4. Go to the hub. Looking for wand.dat size not less than kilobytes. Repeat this search every 20-b minutes.
  5. Downloading each detected wand.dat, if such TTH has no basis in domestic programs. Save the folder to the other. TTH add a new file to your list, update the batch-processing script for inflated.
  6. When you get tired to rock, turn off the bot run the script, we get a final file with all passwords
The only knowledge that is required for programming: WinSock, multithreaded applications, the protocol Direct Connect (and even then not all). From new to me was just the protocol itself. At the writing of it took 8 hours. 380 lines of code without modules. In the compiled program takes the form of 149 Kilobytes. Spread the bot will not, it is fraught.

But the parser list of hubs in php here:
<? Php
header ('Content-type: text / plain');
$ f_name = ' . / hublist.xml ';
$ f = fopen ($ f_name,' r ');
$ buf = fread ($ f, filesize ($ f_name));
fclose ($ f);
preg_match_all ('| address = "dchub ://([ a-z0-9 :.-]+?)"| i', $ buf , $ a); # yes, I know, the pattern is not the most direct
$ f = fopen ('. / hublist.txt', 'w');
for ($ i = 0; $ i <count ($ a [1]); $ i + +) {fwrite ($ f, $ a [1] [$ i]. "\ r \ n");}
fclose ($ f);
echo 'done'. count ($ a [1])
The pattern can be corrected if necessary, for example, exclusively. ru -hubs.

During tests from 25 to 28 April 2010. During this time, pumped 232 wand.dat. The most bold occupied 129 Kilobytes. I found these Vanda? I do not even open the, because it is already good. Yes and no passwords were vkontaktikov purpose. The purpose of writing a bot was to test the difficulty of automation tasks utaskivaniya passwords lying in a conspicuous place unattended.

What do inflated wealth
And what is there in these Wanda may be?
  1. First, a list of valid postal addresses. Can be used for spam. (In fact, the costs of their production in this way do not pay off completely, it is easier to use the built-in search MailAgent'a).
  2. The password to all contacts / Schoolmates / FaceBook - values ??for any hacker.
  3. Access to ftp sites, it is more dangerous - the inscription «Haxored by xakep Vasya666» to exploit the main hacker separates only fiction.
  4. The list of email accounts with passwords. In my opinion, is the most dangerous. Mail, as everyone knows, no one from the servers are not removed.
  5. Account password from your ISP. The truth behind this uniquely you punish the provider. Gestures of-the-eye punish.
In fact, Wanda can still all lie, but it's all I will not describe so as not to wave a red rag in front of hackers who have returned from school.

Passwords. So many passwords for a sufficiently small period of time with minimal one-time effort.

Conclusion? What else can be new output? Again reminded of what we need to set a master password in the browser, if you store passwords in the browser? Remind that we must ensure that you rassharivaete? But why? This is still no one listened. That's just not cry, when roasted cock bite into one place.
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