Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Stuxnet struck more than 1000 enterprises in China
Stuxnet struck more than 1000 enterprises in China
Despite the fact that a computer virus Stuxnet has long been known to experts in computer security, attack the virus continues - this time it became known that Stuxnet struck many industrial facilities in China. And it is not individual statements "anonymous sources" claimed the attack, several state-run media of this country. The total number of infected Stuxnet, in the millions.

Stuxnet, recall, affects the system of industrial governance, created by Siemens. Such management systems are used mostly in industrial enterprises, including the most serious - for example, nuclear power stations.

Total affected about 1,000 large industrial facilities that Chinese experts on network security still not been able to save from the domination of malicious code. Experts continue to investigate the virus, arguing that his creation is not one or even a group of anonymous hackers single, and perhaps the state apparatus of the whole country, or at least sufficiently influential group that can bring together highly trained experts. The creators of the virus and equipped it with several mechanisms of implementation, using a very serious vulnerability.

The difficulty is the fact that the virus, some of its components, signed quite legal digital certificates from companies such as JMicron and Realtek. These certificates have been revoked, but this fact has allowed the virus to bypass many security systems.

It seems that this virus, despite the fact that virtually all network security professionals have heard of it, and know what it represents, will be distributed. Here we can take into account the human factor and the serious possibility of the virus that can penetrate the relatively well-protected system. But most importantly, perhaps - still a human factor to this, many experts say.

Hopefully, soon to attack the worm will still be able to understand, and yet will be dealt with, nothing serious will happen.
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