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Sound generator and stored passwords on javascript

Introducing the password generator creates relatively easy to remember and at the same time, trudnopodbiraemye passwords. The basic idea is that the passwords are generated based on syllables, and therefore appear as words or phrases. For a better memory use uppercase letters at the beginning of each syllable.

Project on Google.Code: / p / jspassgen / downloads / list
Example of work can be found here: / jspassgen.html

The basis was taken a slightly different algorithm that is well described by the author, Sergei Mikhailovich Sveshnikov:
"form syllables of one vowel and one consonant letters arranged in random order with respect to each other. Random letters in the password made capital. Some syllables are separated by numbers, and the number of digits was always even (but by chance and no more than half). The figures could stand in pairs. Obtain the password of a given length, quite beautiful and complex. The number of characters was even (well, I liked so) "

This same algorithm does not fix the number of characters in the password, and is designed for practical use as a random list of proposed user passwords, for example, during registration, allowing you wish to change the complexity Password regulating the quantity of syllables.
Also, there is a mechanism regulating the number of digits in the proposed passwords, by introducing a coefficient numProb and his pitch to reduce the probability of occurrence of digits with each syllable.

<style>. JsPassGenWrapper {width: 300px; height: 180px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid # aaa;}. JsPassGenWrapper # jsPassGenForm {float: left; width: 50%; font-size: 16px ; font-family: Courier, serif;}. jsPassGenWrapper. jsPassGenCtrls {float: right; width: 50%; margin-top: 100px;}. jsPassGenWrapper input {padding: 0px 10px;} </ style> <div class = "jsPassGenWrapper"> <div id="jsPassGenForm"> </ div> <div class="jsPassGenCtrls"> <input type = "checkbox" id = "jsPassGenUseNumsCB" checked = "checked" / > <label for="jsPassGenUseNumsCB"> Use numbers </ label> <br /> <input type="button" value="Create password" onClick="runPassGen()" /> < / div> <script type="text/javascript"> / * @ param id - ID of the block to insert the password) @ param syllableNum - the number of syllables in a password @ param numPass - the number of passwords are inserted into the block @ param useNums - use number or not * / function jsPassGen (id, syllableNum, numPass, useNums) {id = typeof (id)! = 'undefined'? id: 'jsPassGenForm'; / / default settings syllableNum = typeof (syllableNum)! = 'undefined'? syllableNum: 3; numPass = typeof (numPass)! = 'undefined'? numPass: 10; useNums = typeof (useNums)! = 'undefined'? useNums: true;
function rand (from, to) {from = typeof (from)! = 'undefined'? from: 0, / / ??parameters to = typeof (to)! = 'undefined'? to: from + 1 / / default return Math.round (from + Math.random () * (to - from));};
function getRandChar (a) {return a.charAt (rand (0, a.length-1));}
var form = document.getElementById (id); / / Best Bets consonants to use them as uppercase var cCommon = "bcdfghklmnprstvz"; var cAll = cCommon + "jqwx"; / / All consonants var vAll = "aeiouy"; / / All vowels var lAll = cAll + vAll; / / All letters
form.innerHTML = ""; for (var j = 0; j <numPass; + + j) {/ / factor determining the probability of the number of syllables between var numProb = 0, numProbStep = 0.25; for (var i = 0; i <syllableNum; + + i) {if (Math.round (Math.random ())) {form.innerHTML + = getRandChar (cCommon). toUpperCase () + getRandChar (vAll) + getRandChar (lAll);} else { form.innerHTML + = getRandChar (vAll). toUpperCase () + getRandChar (cCommon);} if (useNums & & Math.round (Math.random () + numProb)) {form.innerHTML + = rand (0,9); numProb + = numProbStep;}} form.innerHTML + = "<br />";} return false;}
function runPassGen () {jsPassGen ('jsPassGenForm', 3, 10, jsPassGenUseNumsCB.checked);}
runPassGen (); </ script> </ div>

PS: bright thoughts from the comments:
Sovetuemye program generators passwords:
genpas. /

And one generator nick%): / nicks /

Sicness #:
the idea of ??reducing the entropy of the password and as a consequence, should not be applied everywhere.

Docomo #:
generated by js password prompts the user as one of the options directly in the form of registration, while established on a server password put forcibly.

Gonzazoid #:
IMHO of memorable most reliable techniques - techniques shocking absurdity. Passwords like "clams otgryzli my dancing genitals." I repeat - this is from the memory. Described here
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