Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Shrew free alternative to cisco vpn client
Shrew free alternative to cisco vpn client

encountered a problem installing Cisco VPN Client for Windows 7 and even to the same x64,
if the Windows 7 x86 with shamanistic tambourine You can run it on x64 all attempts will be futile (Cisco is almost fundamentally do not want to do x64 Vpn Client).

Comin 'in the search engines ... and we see the following outputs from the situation:

1. Installing the AnyConnect VPN Client, which works on x64 but there is no IPSec (not applicable).
2. Create a virtual machine and install Windows x86 Cisco VPN Client.
3. Set a pile of alternative paying customers (the word is not one of them did not work)
4 . Installing Windows x86 (and the ability to get on Win7 BSOD after installing Cisco Client):)

All of the above methods are impractical to put it mildly:)

5. Install the free OpenSource client Shrew (by the way, he not only Windows, but for nix systems)

go on the road 5:)

Downloading Shrew from the official site

Here is an example of how to configure the tunnel with the group authorization («Group Authentication»):

1) Create a new connection profile (click Add)
and in the General tab, in the «Host Name or IP address» indicate IPSec gateway address and port

2) go to the tab «Client»
choose the force-rfc in paragraph NAT traversal (leave everything else default)

3) go to the tab «Name Resolution "(Here you can leave all the default in most cases, when well tuned Cisco VPN Server itself will return the appropriate address)

4)go to the tab« Authentication »
Set the« Authentication method »in the Mutual PSK + Xauth (if you are using an authentication method for IPSec Group ID or shared keys)

4.1) go to sub «Local Identity», set the «Identification Type» = «Key Identifier»
and inscribe IPSec group ID in the field «Key ID String»

4.2)pass in subparagraph «Remote Identity» set «Identification Type» = «Any»

4.3)pass in the sub- «Credentials» and enter our group password (IPSec Group Password) in the
«Pre Shared Key»

5) Tabs: Phase 1, Phase 2 and Policy nuzhdayutsya not in the settings, leave all default

6) save the connection settings.

7) Press "Connect
enter their credentials

If all is well in the log will see the hidden phrase« tunnel enabled »

I hope my description is helpful in facilitating the establishment of tunnels Windows x64.
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