Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Seospam reytinge@mail ru?
Seospam reytinge@mail ru?
Quite strange things are happening now, dear. Looked at the statistics recently one of his projects "" and came across this interesting thing here is:

scratched his head, thought a little - well thought, well a few bugs left, well, happens. But then curiosity leaped, and I climbed up to watch the open statistics neighbors ...

Finally, after ten minutes of surfing, I realized that such a request has almost all its neighbors in the rankings, almost all of my side projects, and projects my friends. Kopnuv deeper, it turned out that I got out in the statistics not only left requests, but to a page that has all smacks of delusions:

The link that I found, as time is a site offering the sale of licenses for JBC v3 and SPAM DirectMailer. In tech support suggested that the resource owner to put myself, my counter, but so? Why would a site whose daily attendance significantly higher attendance of my small candle factory, my counter?

The only thing that gave Google when trying to link together this resource, scripts and rating - though in the cache - so it quickly deleted message to SearchEngines, which also drew attention to the strange request and the referee.

Up to the heap - we take the first available position in the ranking - five minutes past midnight, there are already five requests on JBC. It is obvious that the resource could on the subject does not intersect with the advertising boards.

Judging by the twenty or thirty randomly Resources, whose statistics I have looked now (after 28 th December), we can assume that such requests and the referee will be almost every site that is in the rankings.
Views: 677 | Added by: w1zard | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
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