Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » "Unknown hacker" crack on the internet for sex again
"Unknown hacker" crack on the internet for sex again

Despite the fact that the theme of personal security in the network is already pretty tired of all the people continue to step on the the same rake. Many still hide all the money and the secrets of the commonplace passwords like "123".

Habra poll on topography here.

Theme inspired by my personal statistics, "picking" a few well-known Internet resources.
And according to her almost 40% users use the same password for everything.

Due to the fact that most services are written in a hurry, my hands more than once caught a user base of these resources. And the latter is especially pleased - 35000 are not hashed records. All passwords are stored in clear text.

But I wonder even client accounts such resources, and the fact that nearly half of the users password to a site suitable to their mailbox specified in the database.

I took into account only the statistics for users of GMail, Yahoo and Hotmail, as writing scripts to test each new specific mail-service-deprived would sex life.

Specifically, on the last occasion:
users in the database -> 34731;
Hotmail -> 10874; Matches -> 4348, 40 %
GMail -> 10143; Matches -> 3245; 32%
Yahoo -> 7259; Matches -> 3266, 45%

According to personal observations and reviews of people who have studied these bases in 9 out of 10 users password to the email was repeated for all other resources, until the payment systems.
This is in fact that the mail is the key to everything that is at the user, his electronic life, personal correspondence, password recovery. And many simply do not understand the.

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