Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » "Credit hackers" a methodology for bank manipulation
"Credit hackers" a methodology for bank manipulation
Continue to highlight the most interesting reports from the hacker conference Defcon. In addition to purely technical topics discussed there, and other topics not directly related to IT. For example, technology, fraud in obtaining bank loans. A detailed report (full text) on this topic presented well-known expert Christopher Soghoyan (Christopher Soghoian). It was his apartment for such antics in 2006, the FBI searched (in that time he made a site that helps to print fake tickets, no different from the real thing).

Credit hacking is a list of legal methods, which are not prohibited by law and which do not involve penetration into other people's computer systems. But actually, these techniques are designed to defraud banks and credit bureaus. Due to the knowledge of technology to their work and the expense of excessive formalization of lending smart consumers can receive loans with a zero rate and erase some information from their credit histories.

Receive First
Applying a set of credit inquiries within a few hours to several banks. Because the request for credit history is processed a few days, banks are unable to take into account the concurrent requests. That is, each of them acts as if a person has no other debts.

This method can be used by the citizens with a high credit rating. If the pump rating to an acceptable level (it is quite easy), then you can then at one point to have a card with the aggregate limits on hundreds of thousands of dollars to take advantage of bonuses at the opening of the card and get a loan with zero interest rate (this special offer for 12-18 months to pay off old debts, has been practiced in almost all the banks to divert customers: credit hacker could instead pay off debts the entire credit limit to deposit).

Receiving a second
An unusual version of the famous hacker's admission to a buffer overflow. Two of the three largest U.S. credit institutions - Equifax, and Transunion - keep record of credit history, which are issued in response to requests from banks in the buffer of a certain size. That is, if you establish a steady stream of requests for this paid service, the buffer will be fully updated for 2-4 days. And if your file has disappeared from the buffer, the bank in response to your request does not receive information on the basis of which could deny you credit.

In fact, the credit hacking aims to break the major credit bureaus, of which America's three. These organizations play a pivot role of both systems, reputations, and systems of social responsibility. More information about the attacks on the reputation system, see here.

Via Wired
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