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Optimal length and composition of a password


Against the backdrop of the numerous posts about passwords, decided to do some research.

Currently, password protection is the most common and, unfortunately, the most unreliable method of protection. There are many articles on the topic "How to create a strong password, but I have not seen the article, where are the real data about the reliability of passwords.

The study assesses the reliability of passwords to resist brute-force attack. The most effective method of brute force with brute passwords for hash functions is to make the rainbow tables.

The calculations are carried out for the three hash functions md5, sha1 and sha2 (modification sha512). The calculation does not take data on conflicts in the data hash functions, since from a practical point of view in real selection of the password they will not help, and decent implementations of the software on real time in the open access there. The study involved passwords of 7, 8, 10 and 12 characters in three different alphabets.

For clarity, the results shows the number of passwords, the amount of disk space to store the rainbow tables and the tentative time for constructing the rainbow tables.


  • A computer with a Pentium 4 2.6 GHz and RAM 512 MB,
  • Utility winrtgen, part of the Cain &Abel;

Intermediate calculations.

The number of combinations of passwords is (number of characters in the alphabet) ^ (number of characters in the password)
The study involved three alphabets:
  • A1 = {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789} 36 characters
  • 2 = { abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 !@#$%^&*()-_+="} 51 symbol
  • A3 = {abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 !@#$%^&*()-_+=} 77 characters
  • A4 = {0123456789} 10 characters


For the alphabet A1
Number of characters hash algorithm Disk space Time count
1 7 md5 2,98 GB 5 days
2 8 md5 89,4 GB 159 days
3 10 md5 113 249 GB 661.5, the
4 12 md5 178 754 329 GB 1.19851 e 006 years
5 7 sha1 2,98 GB 7 days
6 8 sha1 89,4 MB 230 days
7 10 sha1 113 249 GB 918 years
8 12 sha1 178 754 329 GB 1.58632 e 006 years
9 7 sha512 2,98 GB 16 Days
10 8 sha512 89,4 MB 1.4 years
11 10 sha512 113 249 GB 1905 years
12 12 sha512 178 754 329 GB 3.1438 f 006

For the alphabet A 2
Number of characters hash algorithm Disk space Time count
1 7 md5 232,5 GB 1 year
2 8 md5 17 GB of 881.4 90.2 years
3 10 md5 77486 038.2 GB 462,539 years old
4 12 md5 - -
5 7 sha1 232,5 GB 1.6 years
6 8 sha1 17 GB of 881.4 129 years
7 10 sha1 77486 038.2 GB 638,089 years
8 12 sha1 - -
9 7 sha512 232,5 GB 3.54, the
10 8 sha512 17 GB of 881.4 286.5, the
11 10 sha512 77486 038.2 GB 1.33807 e 006, the
12 12 sha512 - -

For the alphabet A 3
Number of characters hash algorithm Disk space Time count
1 7 md5 596 GB 2.73, the
2 8 md5 41 723 GB 206 years
3 10 md5 238 418 579 GB 1.38521 e 006 years
4 12 md5 - -
5 7 sha1 596 GB 4 years
6 8 sha1 41 723 GB 301
7 10 sha1 238 418 579 GB 1.91805 e 006 years
8 12 sha1 - -
9 7 sha512 596 GB 9 years
10 8 sha512 41 723 GB 654 Year
11 10 sha512 238 418 579 GB 3.95008 e + 006 years old
12 12 sha512 - -

For the alphabet A4
Number of characters hash algorithm Disk space Time count
1 12 md5 59,6 MB 133 days
2 15 md5 59 GB of 604.64 426 years
3 17 md5 5960 464.47 GB 47,574 year
4 20 md5 1665497181 GB 4.94612 e 007 years
5 12 sha1 59,6 MB 175 days
6 15 sha1 59 GB of 604.64 563 Year
7 17 sha1 5960 464.47 GB 60 505 years
8 20 sha1 1665 497 181 GB 6.2405 s 007 years
9 12 sha512 59,6 MB 359 days
10 15 sha512 59 GB of 604.64 1040 years
11 17 sha512 5960 464.47 GB 110 162 years
12 20 sha512 1665497181 GB 1.12256 e 008 years

dash, where the program decided that has she had enough counts.


The length and composition of passwords, each one must choose for himself, from himself can only say, it is better to choose a password to 12 characters and change it periodically, rather than take the password is 20 characters and feel themselves safe.

PS This is my first post on Habre, not much kick, please.

UPD Added the alphabet A4 and statistics to him.
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