13:54 Modern chain letters "or" managers believe in angels » | |
The article deals with one of information security issues - the fight with successive deliveries, which are also called "chain letters" in honor of the handwritten pattern. The first such message, entitled "Celestial" or "holy letters» (Himmelsbriefe) appeared in the Middle Ages. However, we will not digress from the topic and consider the threat of "chain letters" from the perspective of Information Security:The hidden danger "" chain letters "and similar successive mailingsTo many it is understandable that the data distribution provide the parasite load on corporate equipment and communication channels. This is indeed the case, however, is not the biggest danger: the creation of such a chain is one of the mechanisms to obtain accurate database of addresses by spammers. An even greater danger lies in the "illumination" of the staffing structure of enterprises, which allows attackers to use this information in a variety of purposes. But the biggest risk at all at first sight is invisible - it is social engineering, to identify potentially unreliable and can easily be influenced from the outside staff. Having such a list, attackers can use this information in a variety of purposes. For example, the most primitive: users to send a link to WEB-page to "Comedy", which actually - virus software ("Trojan horse"). Cases when the letter indicates the recommendation to disable anti-virus at the time of viewing pages. If software installation is successful, the attacker can gain access not only to the infected computer but the entire corporate network. Forgetful users about the requirement for mandatory shut down their PCs, also plays into the hands of criminals. Actually it should be noted that the participation of employees in such mailings is a direct reputational risk for the company, and he is greater the higher the position of the participant. Now, we realize how much more dangerous than the current "chain letter" of its paper predecessor. Is there any insight to the users? Who was in December 2010, believes in angels? TOP companies whose employees are actively forward the ordinary chain letter.The leaders are Lukoil and Gazprom. Well still have - a huge network of branches and an excess of free time create ideal conditions for such mailings. Publish the names and contact information, I will not, and to limit post so as not to increase the reputational risks. First place Gazprom:
2nd Lukoil
3rd Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements
4.SK Ingosstrakh
5. X5 Retail Group N.V.
6.OOO "Medcom-MP"
7th VTB24
8 "Management Company Bosco"
9 TSIUS Siberia
10. Baker Hughes Centrilift Measure and Compare Unmatched design, service and support
OtherSIBUR "
WFT Technologies,
Russian Post
LLC SibUgleMetTrans "
Company" Slavia Brand Trading
METRO Cash & Carry
JSC Bank "Opening"
in fact the list is huge and I chose the most notorious "company. Some users' comments sent message... with faith in the heart of this newsletter sent from March 28, 2007, from Moscow to London's people, regardless of positions, nationalities and material status ... Home - BELIEVE! I am - I believe ... And you? Finance department BOSCO Management Company Co.Ltd. Bosco di Ciliegi, 17, Vetoshnyj lane, Moscow, Russia. Comrades! I will not apologize because I am sending you a fortune Read the correspondence below, how many people and companies have been spared this letter! This Pts cool You Positive attitude and dreams, believing in yourself HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sincerely, Chief specialist of the methodology and client strategies Department working with troubled assets VTB 24 (JSC) I'd like to believe in miracles ))) Please do not interrupt the conversation, the text at the bottom. Storekeeper Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements What should I do?If you have employee information security or other IT professional dealing with information security companiesYou need to put a filter on the contents of the letter: Body: May God grant you all good health ... True or not, but want to be fulfilled: Ono walked over Kazakhstan. This morning God opened a window in the sky and asked me: now what is your greatest wish? This was my response: Oh my God, look good for those who now reads the letter, his family and friends because they deserve it. And I love them very much. Love of God - as the ocean. You can see the beginning but the end - never. Now this letter will have effect ... Those who doubt should know that whoever sent you this letter, was surprised that his wish fulfilled in a short time. Let's see if this is true. The truth is that there are angels, but sometimes they do not have wings, we call them friends. Send this message to friends and tonight until 11:11 you will get a surprise: news that you want to hear. This is no joke. Someone called to tell you what you're waiting to hear ... or an angel will bring you the news in a dream. Do not disturb your conversation. Send this letter to at least the 10th to the people you think angels. P.S. I have worked in 1 minute! And it is very desirable to conduct outreach efforts to inform users about the seriousness of the problems associated with modern chain letters. If you have employee IB / UB or presiding over a company that got into vysheoboznacheny listcontact me - I will send you a body chain letters for the "work» c Employees. In general, strongly recommends a review of its actions in relation to information security risks. Do you need IMMEDIATE and strict measures. If you are a userremember the simple rules:Upon receipt of this letter: 1. send it to their service IS / IT 2. coobschite your correspondent who sent this letter about the dangers and non-forwarding of such letters. 3. delete the message Perhaps the question arises - and who am I? I - Head of Investment Bank in a major Russian company to mail filter that "settled" the letters of happiness. After examining the contents, I appreciated the scale of the problem and found that only such publication can attract enough attention to the problem. References:Panchenko AA Eluding Text: prophecy and magic letter Panchenko AA Hristovschina and skopchestvo: folklore and traditional Culture Russian mystical sects. - Moscow: OGI, 2002, pp. 341-353. Panchenko AA "Magic Letters": the study of religious folklore / Eve. Almanac. Vol. 4. Anthropology of religion. - St. Petersburg, 1998 - S. 175-216 | |
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