Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Microsoft has opened the Russian security services all the source code
Microsoft has opened the Russian security services all the source code
Microsoft has signed a supplement to an agreement with Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Scientific-Technical Centre" Atlas ", which gives access to the sources of all major programs Microsoft, including Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Office suite Microsoft Office 2010 and Database Management System Data Microsoft SQL Server. Told in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper source at Microsoft.

Of course the agreement between Microsoft and the NTC "Atlas" was signed in 2002 and gave access to the sources Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2000.

"Now, the FSC will not certify individual products, Microsoft, and platforms that can be used to organize electronic documents and personal data protection, including the creation of" electronic government ", according to Vedomosti, the first deputy general director of STC" Atlas " Alexander Alferov.

Add that the STC "Atlas" had obeyed the KGB (later - the FSB), and now transferred to the management of the Ministry of Communications. This organization is engaged in the construction of information networks for the State Duma, government, etc. They c 1951 engaged in the development and manufacture of various spyware devaysov technical means of providing special services communications, secure information and telecommunications systems and their components.
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