Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Love google maps to Russia's strategic targets
Love google maps to Russia's strategic targets
I use the service of satellite imagery from Google practically since its inception and have long noticed a strange feature: it tends to be very different strategic targets of our vast country. Mediocre town interested in Google Maps is clearly less than the military side, airfields, grounds, border areas, etc.

For example, in the Buryat Republic and Trans-Baikal region with good resolution withdrawn only a small portion of the surface, at the same time, 70-80% of the populated areas of the border with Mongolia and China shot with excellent quality! Why??

Land borders Russia and Mongolia, the taiga, then even the guards there are very rare:

Love, which comes on the border of Russia and China, again the place is not so populated. Of course, China has a lot of people everywhere, but it is clearly seen interest to the border areas. Many of the images for the current year, the remaining parts of northern China, virtually no updated:

Think of any respectable man may need such images difficult. Tourists, fishermen, hunters? In the border zone of passage is usually prohibited. By the border guards? They have a good light if there is not something that the internet ...

For example, here's district boundary of the U.S. and Mexico:

The boundary is visible not bad (there's just almost the entire continent as filmed), but, as is clearly seen, update these images five years ago, no one is ... By the way, overseas intelligence something obscure, but we have some reason not in a hurry.

And here are already our store of nuclear weapons, Belgorod, 22 in / h 25624:

Another store, Vologda-20, v / ch 25594:

Please note that parts of objects removed separately in excellent quality, clearly labeled with it at this point. Nearby there are towns and villages, but on Google Maps clearly captured only store HSB. And so almost all the strategic and military targets in Russia.

You can assume that the images are updated in the light of statistics Google frequency of requests for a particular site, but surely among the millions of users of the service the percentage of those who are interested in the "nuclear cellar" and the Russian border is so great? By the way, if something is not on the images Google Maps, quite often it is well illustrated by Bing Maps.

It comes to the ridiculous when the mustering out of military units, painted on some Vikimapii full location of troops, up to a hole in the fence through which we went to Samovol ", and the bosses of the cheerfully reports about compliance with the secrecy, the inspection shows Beautiful plate "stop shooting" and miles of barbed wire. There are entire communities (here, for example), whose members are versed in the Russian commissar no worse than the NATO experts, and it is only by studying satellite imagery and public information.

The Middle East has long been confronted with the terrorists of satellite images from similar services, acts of terrorism in India is also prepared with the use of satellite imagery Google. Maybe it's time to switch our powers that be in gay pride parades and bolvanochnyh "extortion to protect the interests of Homeland Security? Or will we wait for the first truck with explosives ramming store nuclear warheads? It is a pity that most likely is a rhetorical question ...

I do not propose to close space on the lock or shoot down satellites. Google removes the data on the treatment of special services that are not too lazy to communicate with him ...

Apparently, in Russia, nevertheless there is a place completely hidden from prying eyes (is painted on the images Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Kosmosnimki and Nasa). I would not be surprised if this stupid problem Abramovich ...

area on the map of 1988., Condition of the area in 1965-69g.:

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