Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Komodo furniture or a lizard
Komodo furniture or a lizard
Today installed COMODO Internet Security. Interestingly enough a solution for people using freeware. The software product includes antivirus, firewall and some other utilities.

To begin with antivirus. Until I used Komodo reserved 30 days NOD32, database is updated regularly. And what happened? After removal of the node and install Komodo - found in my car a trojan (backdoor), and 1 virus. So much for the vaunted nod32 ...

firewall. Prior to using Komodo trial version Agnitum Outpost. Deleted because decided to use free software whenever possible. Why? Very nice firewall. IMHO, better than Outpost. Turns on the "custom policy mode", creating a list of "trusted applications" and voila - nothing, except for these applications, the Internet will not be tolerated!

Next I would like to see a bunch of nod32 + outpost is slightly slower than COMODO Internet Security. Testing was conducted on a rather backward configuration: Pentium III 733MHz, 128MB RAM. The first two programs are substantially slowed down the system, the presence of same second almost imperceptibly.

From the downsides: no support of the Russian language, some volatility 3.5 version (latest at the moment). Incidentally, the new version of Komodo appear almost every month - the guys are working hard. Rumor has it that the computer can even BSODnut of Komodo. I do not know - I still was not like this.

And the utilities pleasantly pleased with the presence of fairly intelligent process manager.

In general, as long as it is the best option for me to protect your PC.
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