Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » India wants to control the rim google and skype
India wants to control the rim google and skype

Recently the Indian government announced that RIM's smartphones will be banned in this country, and the ban will last as long as the company will not deliver smartphones without the encryption module. In general, this situation is quite a long time been discussed in the media, so I will not again recount it all. But here's the other day the Indian government went further and stated that he wants to, companies such as RIM, Google and Skype have established their own servers in India so that the government could gain access to electronic communications of its citizens.

A government spokesman, GK Pillai told reporters that the above companies were sent notices, which the government asked for "legal access" to data for organizations and agencies related to national security. Government sees the provision of such access to obtain a reliable way to monitor terrorists who are using tools to communicate, provided by RIM, Google and Skype.

"The people who run information services in India, need to install their own servers in India, giving them access to governmental organizations. It should be clear for RIM and its BlackBerry and other organizations "- said Pillai.

Press Release issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of India, on its website, states that "any type of communication, implemented through computer networks and other telecommunications, should be accessible to law enforcement agencies, and all the telecom service providers, including third party must fulfill this requirement. "

In general, India is clearly following in the footsteps of China, who always tries to track the communication of its own citizens, regardless of any problems, both technical and political nature. One need only recall the "green dam", or China's desire to make of Google to censor its own search engine issue, and it becomes clear what the Indian government wants to achieve.

Well, the fight against terrorism has always been a great excuse for all countries, one can only wonder how the Indians do not seem concerned about the issue of illegal possession of child pornography - in fact this problem even hide behind the government in a democratic country to oversee the telecom service providers . And it really works ...

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