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I2p project an invisible web
Good day, everybody!

Recently, the Organization for the Protection of Copyright and departments to "many countries have begun to conduct a very aggressive policy against anonymity networks and piracy. Particularly revealing stories with and

Read more about Internet censorship can be found in Wikipedia.

To protect the user and host of "harmful" influence of the state and private companies, a network of I2P. What is it and how to connect to I2P - reading under the cut.

So, I will bring up to date

I2P - Anonymous encrypted network. It was introduced in 2003, the developer community, advocating for network security and anonymity.
By type of sale is overlay network and is on level 6 model OSI.

Each client connects to a network with other clients and forms a tunnel through which is transit traffic (not like Skype?). Client software provides several different interfaces of interaction:
  • SOCKS - proxy - the most commonly-used protocol. Allows you to use the I2P with almost any program that supports it.
  • SAM (Simple Anonymous Messaging) - a kind of API. Implemented over TCP.
  • BOB (Basic Open Bridge) - yet another API. In fact, the upgraded version of SAM, but using separate channels for commands and data.

The official package I2P include:
  • SusiDNS - DNS-Client
  • Susimail - e-mail client
  • I2Psnark - torrent client
  • I2PTunnel - integrated into the I2P program that allows different services TCP / IP to communicate over I2P through tunnels

All components are written in Java. If you have not changed their mind set, then ...

Get connected!

  1. If you have not installed JRE, put: / download
  2. To get started, download and install the client: Linuksoidov / makovodam: the extension does not pay attention, run as: java-jar i2pinstall_0.7.14.exe

  3. Start the client:
    a. Windows:
    Start -> I2P -> Start I2P (no window).
    B. Unix-like:
    Go to the folder the client installation. Run the command: ./i2prouter start
  4. Set the proxy server in your browser:

    Method I: More complex and better:

    In your client installation in the scripts have a file i2pProxy.pac.
    Browsers are looking for a line to enter the address autoconfiguration proxy:



Method II: simpler, but worse

In the settings of your browser set your proxy server: port 4444.
The way worse than that if you want to go back to the regular internet, you will have to return to this setting.


Now you can open sites i2p, use an anonymous torrent, postmen, etc.
Also, you can open the I2P router console and see what is there:

And finally ...

A few useful links:
forum.i2p / - The official web forum. There is a Russian language section.
Ugha.i2p / - English wiki on the network.
Echelon.i2p / - Repository of programs using I2P.
Tracker2.postman.i2p /-largest BitTorrent tracker network.
Rus.i2p / - Russian-language wiki about I2P.

More on the topic:
I2P - Creating your own site
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