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Human Security in the Information Society
This article will be considered one of the greatest challenges of the new information society. The article will be of interest to those who like to philosophize on the topic of the future and who was interested in philosophy at the university.


Since its inception computer systems were very complicated and expensive systems. At the beginning of its history with computers, the specialists in white coats. Not many people have access directly to the big machine. Only a guru of computers have access to them, they got the formula and objectives, and then translates them into comprehensible only to them and the computer language.

Over the years, as predicted by many futurists, the world has made a huge leap in information technology, thanks to the emergence of transistors, circuits, development of combinatorics, algebra and physics.

Now computers have penetrated into all spheres of human activity. There were computers the size of a coin, were transportable, have learned to work autonomously. Many people no longer imagine life without a computer - they walk on Internet shopping, visiting the best museums in the world, work and makes acquaintance.

Today, even the novice user will not be surprised by such phrases as: "a virus deleted a file", "Write the number in the phone", "five minutes ago, sent a letter, but it has not come yet." He knows what is spam, ad banner, it is necessary to use antivirus software and constantly forgets passwords.

Existing Problems

With the general computerization greatly simplify access to information through the Internet. Along with the copyright issues, child pornography, came to us concepts such as: viral video, information warfare, virtual reality technology "zombie" users, suggestion alien point of view. All these concepts have a devastating effect on a person's identity. Especially if this person is quite young.

Internet was created as a complex engineering system. For a few years, spread around the world and captured the minds of many people. Computers have become to manage the subway cars, airplanes, refrigerators began asking for food on the Internet. At several times raised the load on the human mind, although many believe that with increasing load on the human psyche, the mental load is very much reduced from the universal informatization [1]. Every day there are new programs, websites, sophisticated technical devices. And the man has ever encountered with them.

At the international level has already been discussed issues of control of global networks, censorship, human security. Concluded treaties on international cooperation, arrests of international computer criminals.

Many times we have heard about the tragedy when she came down complex technology through the fault of the ubiquitous "human factor". But it is worth considering whether a person is guilty of all these tragedies? Maybe it gave information systems failure. That information system as a whole, not some separate control systems.

As already stated, in its early days with computers worked only real technical experts, who knew all their peculiarities and drawbacks. But as soon as computers started to enter into ordinary homes, there were programs for normal users. Appeared in the production of specialized control systems. But who is engaged and involved in their development - technical specialists (programmers, testers and selected technical areas). Therefore, the software allegedly user-friendly for it does not actually intended, rather, it is not suitable [2].

Everyone knows that the architecture of modern computers is not well suited for normal users - they want a multimedia center for games, visits to pages on the internet, listening to music and watching movies, keeping home bookkeeping and even a small list of tasks. But actually advertised computers for scientific computing - multi-core processors, gigabytes of memory cards for scientific computing [3].

Many of the problems of human security in today's information society are solved by technical methods, the same technicians. For example, spam is absolutely not a technical problem - the technology is just coping with his passing. Spam arose naturally in the development of the economy and advertising technology [5]. In the Russian segment of Internet spam is 80% [6] of all email traffic - as we see the problem for more than ten years of technical expertise has not been solved. Or the same notorious "blockers" of the Internet, which are designed to restrict children from certain content. Can still recall the recent trial with a 2x2 channel.

All of these devices, technology, problem - this is the information space in which modern man lives. Person's identity is constantly checked "on the strength" and not many can deal with these aggressive actions.

What to do in this situation? What steps should I do? What you need to know to ordinary users?

Vision problems of the modern world

At this point the whole audience is divided into two camps: the humanitarian and technical experts. But almost no one notices the third part of the camp - the humanities are familiar with the technical aspects of information technology and vice versa. On the paucity of the latter said the almost complete absence of publications on the Internet.

Some people try to work out the ethical principles based on the already long-known professional codes, such as the Hippocratic Oath [1]. That's what this turns out:

Five ethical IS (information security)

1. Learning wanting

Employees of the IB should help people to share their knowledge in information technology and information security. This knowledge should be transmitted free of charge to anyone who expresses a desire to learn.

2. Avoiding harm

The work of IS professionals must avoid injury to the protected object (collateral damage), except in cases where preventable harm deliberately inflicted over.

The work of IS professionals should avoid causing any harm not involved, even if due to this injury will be prevented by a securable object.

3. Non-proliferation of dangerous

Investment Bank Employees should not send anyone information about the vulnerability, this vulnerability allows to use (except the owner or developer of a vulnerable system - only to correct the vulnerability).

Investment Bank Employees should not send someone malicious programs or dual purpose, if there is a fear that they will be used to harm.

4. Fair Use

resulting in any way access into someone else's system or information about someone else's system information security professionals should be used only to protect, prevent injury and improve safety. For any other purpose (including, harmless) such access or information may be used. With the disappearance of the need for such access should be closed, and the information - be destroyed.

5. Secrecy

Investment Bank Employees must maintain the confidentiality of information made known to them in connection with the provision of protection services that make up someone else's trade secret, privacy, professional secrecy, as well as other confidential information, regardless of the explicit agreement or obligation of secrecy.

Other information attributed magical properties [7], and believe that this is a purely technical problem and solved it too technical methods in conjunction with the introduction of stricter rules for technical specialists. Everywhere are extracts from the various international instruments:

resolution 428 of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe (Section C), which formulated two rules:
In case of conflict between the right to freedom of information and to respect for private life, priority is given to the last ;
The Private Lives of community leaders must be protected, as well as private lives of other citizens, except when she can have an impact on socially important events.

And almost all the isolated common actions, in their opinion, to ensure the security of the individual:
  • must agree on a common view on the impact of information on individual and mass consciousness, the political and ideological sphere and on the human psyche to agree on a consistent understanding of the concepts.
  • We must begin the preparation of international agreements on the control of production and introduction to computer networks and information technology systems that are actually or potentially be used for terrorist or criminal purposes.
  • You have to start negotiating an international legal protection of networked information resources, including Personal Data, intellectual property and copyright of the materials distributed on the Internet and other open networks.
  • It is necessary at the international level to consider the possibility of controlling and limiting the spread of the Internet obscene and offending public morals information, false advertising, fraud and other materials that have a negative impact on the physical, mental and social health.

Alternative approaches

Do you think that there are not enough specialists in security, human security? It seems the whole world became interested solving technical problems and philosophical research in the field of information security. And information in today's society has long occupied a leading position. But as it turns out, the existing specialists are trained to protect the information, and security of person, except for public services, the laws controlling the media and others, none at all of the information space does not provide. Our universities are not trained specialists in personal security, the safe use of products of the media market. Few people think when referring to information or computer security, it's just a medium for communication of people, that people are more important.

Such specialists should teach the basics of information security, but to direct them to the protection of the individual. The specialists of this field can work in all areas of information technology: to develop and support of electronic media to educate users to behave safely in the information environment, computer literacy, including computer security. They will be able to hold a conference than to promote and expand the approach to human security than to increase computer literacy of each person individually.


No need of course to take spoken words literally. All security professionals need, yet there are issues of national security, privacy, secrecy of correspondence ... But we need to think about creating an entirely new profession, focused just on security issues of personality, where sometimes the security of information and computers into the background.


1. - Interview with SV Saveliev.
2. Alan Cooper about the interface. Fundamentals of interaction design "A. Cooper, R. Neumann, J. Cronin. - Ed. from English. - Spb.: Symbol-Plus 2009.
3. / wiki / IBM_PC
4. / wiki / CUDA
5. / ethics.html
6. /
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