Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Hacking on rails
Hacking on rails
In no sense an expensive train "Alexander Nevsky", running between St. Petersburg and Moscow, in the NE-car business-class seats in the two times less than in the normal compartment of the presence of soul in every room, at a price twice as high. A great example of misunderstanding of the basic needs of passengers and pulling money through dubious services. And this train is equipped with a multimedia system for a vegetable pastime. About this system called "Inber" (information, Security, entertainment), the introduction of recently written a lot of feedback, both pro unparalleled, and even granted a patent.

It was boring, not sleepy, and I decided to play with the client terminal installed in each "suite". Key benefit of the Internet with IE icon just starts in the mind a thousand and one way to access the command line of OSes.

By default, the navigation mouse is available, but the conductor can ask for the keyboard (USB). And then the fun begins. Despite the logo of IE, as the browser you're using Firefox with a characteristic antialiased font. Second game with a keyboard - and suddenly:

SUDDEN - xterm! It quickly becomes clear that the client terminal is built on Linux, as well as the WM uses IceWM:

Distribution - Gentoo 2007 assembly, the core of 06.02.1922, as a multimedia guide used vlc, strimyaschy videos and music from a central server (a very the obvious solution), the session is run as user user. Here all are adults, to tell us how to get root, with the console, the Internet and two-year core, I think not.

Go ahead. We also want to have a full desktop, but not firefox, running in full screen, right? Looking at the list of processes, we see that the foundation of the system - the script / home / user / fox, in a cycle monitoryaschy availability of running a browser and run it with the specified profiles. Looking initskripty, it becomes clear to the primitive scheme of the terminal: Linux is loaded in the fifth ranlevel, and in the xdm startup script is registered line type su - user-c '/ home / user / fox'. Rolled out a browser - it starts up again. Rebutnul system - it will start again.

Harvesting or the rules of the script and get the much-loved klasnoglazikami console Gentoo:

What's not funny, but inittab remained intact - with the help of three fingers sending system reboot:

BIOS does not record, it is possible to gruzanutsya USB-stick, for example, Bagtrakom:

GRUB, unfortunately, appears to be configured without the possibility to adjust the boot menu (lockalternative = false?), making it impossible for a classical init = / bin / sh as another option for obtaining ruta.

Look at this mess, I spat back into place and went to sleep. Four hours later the train arrived at Leningrad Station.

And when I returned to Moscow, I discovered that during my absence from the apartment flooded neighbors above.

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