Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Habra do you love yellowness? or like this?
Habra do you love yellowness? or like this?
Personally, I do not like when I cheated. Yes, even the small things.
Things that I hope to know many of Habre (which is written in answer to your secret question "what is the name of your pet, so as not to be left without soap) do not require such a colorful presentation.
Although perhaps I'm wrong ...

Before going to bed went to the Habr, looked on the video "Hacking» and diva dalsya:
a) the title of "Hacking» - false (under my concept of truth, it really does not fit, even before the "investigation")
b) how amazingly easy it was possible " dissolve "the girl from the leadership of this group - as it turned out, false

And now for the safety:

Do you know what gives account password (in tins password recovery) under the conditions:
a) you may have guessed a year, birth month and the FI (social networks to help us)
b) You guessed right about birthday
c) you do not guess the date of registration

So I took the soap "Dasha Frolova," a search to find out the truth (all the same because the soap, according to legend, in the hands of evil hakershi aimka aka Little Dragon). Looking to the inbox, I found that soapy then recorded on April 2, as Having reported here, that's the link to the screen again in your inbox.

I think the misinformation on the face of Habre, even as a joke / lessons learned / ... - the vulnerability of our information society. After all, few or less sociable habrayuzer by dialing his friends a couple of dozen other habrayuzerov can bring a beautiful fake to the top, where it picks up a wave. There is no objectivity, there is an initial charge, the chain reaction and the effect of the crowd, IMHO.
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