Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Gnupg Secure Mail for the win mac and * nix
Gnupg Secure Mail for the win mac and * nix
GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) - open source implementation of PGP, compatible with the standards of OpenPGP (RFC 2440). GnuPG allows to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify email messages using the key pair (RSA by default). The most frequent use of GnuPG - to encrypt e-mail and verify the signature files have been laid out for download. But it is possible to use in other protocols: for example, PSI (Jabber-Client) supports GnuPG encryption and allows the thread talks.

Consider the installation and initial setup GnuPG for three operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Assumes that the reader has sufficient knowledge to perform multiple commands at the console OS (CMD / Terminal / xterm, respectively).


Windows: gpg4win-2.0.1.exe - ready to build GnuPG + GUI + Claws-Mail.
Mac OS X: If you have installed Xcode and macports then execute the command in a terminal port install gnupg2
Plug-in for Mail (OS X 10.5 .*) - GPGMail-1.2.0.dmg
For OS X 10.6 will have to put an alternate client, such as claws-mail (port install claws-mail).
Update: To have 10.6.2 update.
Performs the installation, both for 10.5 and then replace GPGMail.bundle in the folder ~ / Library / Mail / Bundles / on svezheskachanny. Thanks for the tip-off deepsweet.
Linux: Depending on your distribution. Keyword - gnupg2.
In connection with the variety of customers under * nix, to paint the setting for each - it is useless.
The list of clients that support GNUPG - here.


Windows: The default installation. Do not forget to tick off about «Claws Mail».
Mac OS X: Install GnuPG (or from the ports of the final assembly).
Mount image GPGMail, run «Install GPGMail». Done!
Linux: Depending on the distribution and e-mail client:) We recommend to Claws Mail.

Create Keys

Run a terminal (cmd.exe / Terminal / xterm).
To make the Windows cd «Papka_Kuda_ustanovlena_GPG4Win» (C: \ Program Files \ GNU \ GnuPG \ by default)
To all: run the command gpg2 - gen-key
You will be asked a few questions.
Please select what kind of key you want: (1) RSA and RSA (default) (2) DSA and Elgamal (3) DSA (sign only) (4) RSA (sign only)
Choose 1 .

RSA keys may be between 1024 and 4096 bits long. What keysize do you want? (2048)
2048 should be sufficient. Just hit Enter.

Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0 = key does not expire <n> = key expires in n days <n> w = key expires in n weeks <n> m = key expires in n months <n> y = key expires in n years
After some time, the key will be invalidated? Press «Enter»:) Let there be eternal.

Next, click «Y». And the answer to 3 questions.

Real Name: - enter his name in Latin letters (eg, Vasily Pupkin).
Email: - enter e-mail (eg v.pupkin @
Comment: - anything from the company name to nick)
If everything is correct - click on «O».
Now we are asked for a password for the key. Introduce a factor of 2-one and the same (or press Enter 2 times for a key without a password).
A few seconds ... And the key is ready! Hooray! )
Check: gpg2 - list-keys
pub 2048R/5C35B909 2010-01-31
uid Vasily Pupkin <>
sub 2048R / 40ADD978 2010-01-31


Windows: Start Claws-Mail. Connect-mail account (the one for which you created the key!).
Go to Settings-ins, check that there is a module of GPG.
Now, create their own message and select Options-> Encrypt.
By the way, we can immediately create new keys for another account - Settings-Account Settings-module-GPG-Generate a new keypair
Mac OS X: Start Mail, create a new message, see tick «Signed» and «Encryped». Can choose a key for signing / encryption. For 10.6 and Claws-mail is similar to Windows.
Linux:Depending on the client. For Claws-Mail is similar to Windows.


For correspondence with the subscriber must have his public key. Your key you can get a team gpg2-a - export your e-mail.
Importing someone else's - gpg2 - import key file


That's all . Good luck encryption)
If you want to check - write to me (do not forget to put your public key enclosure).
My key - here.
Good luck!
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