Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Fresh Trojan for macos
Fresh Trojan for macos
The new software package iWork '09 for Mac, presented at MacWorld 2009, literally on the same day appeared on a torrent. Naturally, it was a pirated version, but the fun lies elsewhere. Popular software package for MacOS was the "makeweight" in the form of Trojan OSX.Trojan.iServices.A. According to experts from the company Intego, infected approximately 20,000 computers.

Trojan registers in autostart and receive full rights, so that it can install additional malicious code and modify the installed applications.

The good news is that, in itself a Trojan does not spread, you can install it only with a pirate copy of iWork '09. So beware!

UPD: found a news item in which comrade argues that caught pumped trial version from a torrent tracker instead of the official site. We also give some details on the symptoms.

UPD 2: How to find and fight (thanks ilmarinen)
1. Before you install iWork '09 check if there was a package iWorkServices.pkg (it actually is appendage with a trojan).

2. If you have installed, but not sure whether the Trojan:
1. (Open
2. sudo su (password)
3. ls-la / System / Library / StartupItems / iWorkServices
If you say «No such file or directory». Trojan is not.

3. If you already have a Trojan:
1. (Open
2. sudo su (password)
3. rm-r / System / Library / StartupItems / iWorkServices
4. rm / private / tmp / .iWorkServices
5. rm / usr / bin / iWorkServices
6. rm-r / Library / Receipts / iWorkServices.pkg
7. killall -9 iWorkServices
Views: 608 | Added by: w1zard | Rating: 0.0/0
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