Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Free vpn
Free vpn
I decided once Googling for the presence of services with free vpn. First, I stumbled upon Alonweb. It's a miracle pop up on most of my requests. Everywhere he was crowned the first place, but not all were told that these things will work only for 30 days. And it's not so bad.
I'm using Win / OSX / * nix, but mostly sitting under osx and do not like any kind of stick in the wheel of additional clients. At linyah my server, under Windows I do not go to internet, so talk about the poppy.

Since Alonweb use openvpn, then there necessarily need a client. For the wind to their own production, he, well, a tench and a maximum, of course, the current configuration file is. Viscocity Tunnelblick and refused to work with the settings, referring to a wrong key, then on the server. I spat on Alonweb and decided to look for something without trial and with a simple vpn. Shoveled a lot of things and this came across Itshidden. Since I do not need megasekurnost, but only protection against snifa in LAN, then a simple (128bit) vpn I had made. Plus, it does not need third-party clients, which was the first criterion.
The service itself still provides free access to the restriction on the ports, but how exactly I could not find on the site. Drastic changes in speed after connecting I did not notice it. It is quite comfortable and moderately safe surfing.

Upd: I've described here free service, and offers vdsom these do not differ.
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