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Email encryption gmail in firefox
Many delicious and different services that are increasingly gathering information about users: their hobbies, contact lists, business activity, friends lists, the flow of funds, all about business. Sometimes the same- Gmail may know more about the man than the man himself, I'm sorry for the tautology. Of course we think we have nothing to hide, all the honest people, true when the information collected includes thousands of people are already starting to wonder.

Assume there is an organization that employs several people and used for correspondence Google Apps, connected to the corporate domain. Documents, passwords, birthdays, calendar, history of communication through the Google Talk, history of search queries, all the activities of the plankton, almost any action is stored in the depths of the Google. Why Google so actively promoted? He just knows how to predict events, using people as computing power and information source. Well Google - we have already resigned, in the Russian underground rather widespread hacking of electronic boxes competitors, literally 10 bucks, I can break any box in a zone .ru. I have many times experienced that kind of a solid organization of a factory electronic boxes in the free zones svetochka.ufzt [dot] (a fictional address) and password - the day of birth. And yet somehow massively forgot encryption of e-mails, about the electronic signature. Even in government generally deplorable state, all overgrown with computers with viruses, and e-mail used for mailings gos.struktur Trojans and spam, registration and classmates in touch, there is on these boxes come and update the database and copies of orders and documents that n. If hacked like a box on the organization can find out almost everything and a pack of security guards does not help, because mail is not encrypted and is left unprotected.

Now about email encryption Gmail in Firefox, paranoia above - is as an introduction.
So, we have the Gmail inbox to which you want to tie encryption and the Firefox browser as the primary.
1.Kachaem and install for Windows - gpg4win, the Linux install package - GnuPG (Ubuntu sudo apt-get install gnupg gpa), for MacOS - Mac GPG

2. Download and install extensions for Firefox - FireGPG.

3. A window appears master settings. Enter the path to PGP, in this case:
C: \ Program Files \ GNU \ GnuPG \ gpg2.exe

4. Enter the name, mailbox, password, expiration date, type of encryption.

5. Set the default settings.

Now go to the mailbox and write yourself a letter. Click to send, a window appears with the choice of key when it will need to enter the password for Gmail.

You have received one letter, open a window and entering the password.

Letter to successfully deciphered.

It only remains to copy the key and pass it to any safe way.

UPD: For greater security to disable autosave in Gmail:
In Firefox, Tools -> FirePGP -> Gmail ->
disable AutoSave
encrypt responses to the encrypted message
To set FireGPG under FreeBSD: freebsd-firegpg
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