Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Ellance bogus Labour Exchange
Ellance bogus Labour Exchange - «closed exchange of labor," as it is written on the front page. I learned about it through private message on the Typically, naturally, I immediately delete such spam, but beautiful text and tired brain did made me go and look at the site. You never know what, I thought, and a bit crowded once in a free-Lance.

I think most of you, go to the site immediately to doubt that this is a real labor exchange and will not be recorded, but as I got, can get caught and others, so I decided to just in case to warn others.

Most likely, the site simply collects emails, user names and passwords to gain access to accounts on these exchanges of freelancing. At this point the facts have already seen me after I sent the registration form:

1. There is no validation on the form. You can simply enter "123".
2. There are no references in Google. Only three references: / replies.xml? Item_no = 2 & ncrnd = 8929 - "slowly. Website - snag. collects passwords from freelancers. » / index.php? act = st & t = 31809 -" In general, the registration request, I sent it back with a fool, and then when I thought his head - he decided, just in case Change your password on the sites where the same use. » -« If anyone will fall this monster, then send it ... "
Without a publicity would not have been so many users of the site.
3. Domain registered in 2009, although it is written that works with 2008.

The scheme is simple, but sometimes it works and makes the back to change their passwords. Be careful!

P.S. Sent a letter to abuz kosmohosta. I do not know whether they will discontinue the Site (and whether the right), but at least something to do with it as necessary.
UPD: justice hip-hip hurray! Hoster closed the site.
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