12:12 Details about the "undressing" scanners at airports | |
As you've probably heard at U.S. airports are going to use the scanners that can "look under clothes." But what they feature? First we present the news with Security Lab: Full-size "undressing" scanners to screen passengers under their clothes, installed at U.S. airports, can record, store and even send data over the Internet. Reported by the Information Centre for protection of privacy in the electronic environment (EPIC), referring to the specification of the equipment issued by the Ministry of Homeland Security. The use of such scanners at airports raises many ethical issues and resentment organizations for the protection of privacy, since it allows to see the details of the contour of the human body, including genitalia. However, before the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has stated that the scanners do not allow you to save, print or transmit the received images, urging passengers to enjoy a more rapid method of screening. As the EPIS, save and send the scans can be obtained only in a test mode hardware. However, the documents are not entirely clear when and who can enable this mode. States that access to the test mode are the owners of "security level Z», which include representatives of the headquarters of the TSA, serving equipment and techniques "superusers". Moreover, the number of users full-size scanner with different access levels can reach 10 thousand people. EPIC is concerned that if possible, to store information on your hard drive the scanner and send it over the Internet three-dimensional images of naked passengers will be in the hands of hackers. The British human rights activists, in turn, argue that the mandatory inspection of passengers using the scanners, which show all of the human body is breaking the law on child pornography. According to them, an image that gives such a scanner, so graphically, that is essentially a "virtual strip". So, human rights activists Action for Rights of Children called on the British Government to provide exceptions for children and adolescents younger than 18 years, or even delay the implementation of innovations in practice because of fear that airport personnel can use these images as pornographic images. In addition to violations of child rights defenders fear for the image of various celebrities who will also have to pass through scanning. The Ministry of Transport in Britain confirmed that the problem exists and is being actively discussed. And now she bun: Take a picture from a scanner Open it in a graphics editor, apply just one team, and we invert Health turns out, is not it? :) UPD: As it turned out, the roots of the second and third pictures do not grow here, but, in my opinion, as an example of using this technology fits well. | |
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