Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Curve ether with management "to»
Curve ether with management "to»
Dear habrachitateli. Some time ago, I posted a topic, inviting all stakeholders to ask questions in the direction of management "to" the Interior Ministry. Agreed to answer questions from the staff of the Office itself has been received, but unfortunately, the answer from them yet, I did not wait. I think the question still resolved with the assistance of half a liter and a personal trip to visit them.

In the meantime, I'll try to brighten up the deathly silence and try to answer the questions himself. I have quite a long time was involved in an "independent expert" on nekotoroye questions, I think I can say something sensible. So there you go ...

Question from NYMEZIDE
where you recruit?

This is probably the school police. Most guys are young, slightly legally savvy and how to say "with knowledge of the computer." I can not competently answer to this question, consider that these are my guesses.
Question from iAndrey
Do we run the risk of installing Linux? AFAIK GNU / GPL in Russia is not valid. What papers should be a company or home user?
Anticipating: Linux center sells licenses solve this problem, but why should we pay for free software?

On the one hand risk, on the other side does. I quote verbatim what happened to hear - «Linux - is the dark side, if a person puts himself linux, in which we can not understand it means he has something to hide." On the other hand, their task was to take unabiding citizen for shkvarnik and bring the case to court. And they will be reckoned. In view of the fact that in the case of LINUX and other GPL products no person who has suffered direct damage and then try it here as if nothing. Despite the fact that the GPL in Russia is practically outlawed. But judge for the use of GPL IMHO impossible because there is no side of which was damaged.
Question from volanddd
Does the law department to carry out checks on a home / office computer for software license and what documents he needed for that?

Yes, it does. Office initiated the internal audit MVDshnymi documents with home is much more complicated. Must be at least a search warrant. Its not so easy to get, and if suddenly it happens that a person does not have that then searched the initiator can happen to big trouble down to a showdown with the internal security service.
Question from xtremest
How much is the salary of an employee of the department to your area?

I can not answer this question, even approximately. Watching some staff turnover, assuming that it is small.
Question from leonidas
What was the maximum actual (not relative) terms and proper for that?

Again, I can not say that any intelligible. I can only tell you about an interesting case, when we were hunting for a man broke While I personally have acted illegally in removing traffic from interested persons without authorization of prosecutors and others. But on my monitor and my eyes he really did not go anywhere. Was a task - to figure out exactly whether it is the right person or not. According to which I am told, a man clearly had one. History had ended a happy ending, since that linukstsentru not suffered any great damage or all of the database remains intact and kulhatsker has confessed himself. In general there even before the probation did not make it like, all ended with an apology. First of all thanks linukstsentru who withdrew his application.
Question from nps
What they are now engaged in addition to "raid"? Moreover, as a percentage of that routine in their work, and that - a heroic act. After all, as a child reading stories about the search for the hacker in the footsteps of the network, a detective investigation directly, but now all about one thing, though skipping paragraphs.
Once their work is so closely connected to the network, then see if they have svoe social, blogging or forumnym place of public communication in the network?
Whether they are cooperating closely with the owners vkontakte, classmates, LiveJournal, and so on? Are there any sites that do not help them to protect users?

IMHO 80 percent of the time = paperwork. Public "corporate" There is no place for sure. Sites have. How they interact, I unfortunately do not know. Incidentally, the official E-mail at least the last 6 years working through
Cabinet with a huge portrait of Lenin, old computer with pirastkoy WINDOWS. This is reality. Or was there a network. Ah yes, the internet - dialup.
Question from Q2W
Another question:
When seizure what to say that:
1. Seized only drivers (I also need to work the firm does not freeze well buy a new fleet of components - it is much waste of hard drive packs)?

You can say a lot, but removed the system assembly. I only know one case where the shot only hard drives. This was done only because accommodate as many system units have been nowhere.
Question from odessky
My question is - if the department has taken away from the office to the components to check and found nothing - office may sue for compensation for damages?
Of course can. Only I'm afraid the result will be zero. Just because sistemnik they do not have the right flaw. And if their flaw in the law, then suing seems pointless.
Question from my_own_parasite
1. How can I confirm the licensed program, purchased online with a credit card?
2. Can an employee get yourself a program and put it on your work computer?
3. How in the seizure of a computer protected by a user's right to privacy of personal correspondence?

1 In the most extreme case, can call the developers and ask them to confirm by fax or simply call it legal software.
2 Yes, but if sistemnik listed for the organization, the director of the organization itself and btsdet responsible for everything that ponastavili its employees.
3 No. Simply, by law you can not watch. Well, there it is all dependent on the auditors.
Question from burivuh
What could be cause for removal / search your home computer as an individual?

Like what? Using someone else's username and password to access the Internet with the damage of several thousand.
Question from null
My site was hacked. I have a pile of logs, all sorts of different evidence. You can say, I figured this man up to Haydee vkontakte =)
Where can I go? Provider hacker says that he will deal with his client.

A statement to the local K, your task - to describe all in color indicating material damage and the fact of unauthorized access. They do not like little things that are impossible even if they wanted to tighten up criminal case.
Question from Sile
In our company more than half the entire fleet consists of machines that are the personal property of employees. At the same time with employees is an agreement to use his computer for the benefit of the enterprise. Does the right department to inspect such computers for the presence of unlicensed software.

Checking probably has. A very delicate situation, I think to wait for an official reply. But I think everything will end many problems for the staff yuzayuschih its components in good company. Unless of course there is something illegal.
Question from ZotovSergey
1. Describe the procedures for proper actions of law enforcement officers, from the moment when they rang the doorbell.
2. Describe the correct and efficient reaction checked if law enforcement acted WRONG. In particular, write how and where to complain.
3. Actions are checked when an absurd accusations?

The door is the home? Then a search warrant. Correctly and efficiently for the check - pick your sistemnik and leave. Unless of course we are talking about crimes in the sphere of information security. If you think that the police violate the law, it is best immediately contact the Department's own security.

As an epilogue

If you are using Linux, this does not mean that you can avoid sending your computer for examination. You just do not have to indemnify the holder.

If you come, try to be poprivetlivee. In some individuals there is increased too "syndrome cloakroom attendant. If you talk too much, stop, and generally annoy your office equipment in retaliation may provolohat from one expert to the maximum term (2 months like the law).
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