Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Ctf in Russia
Ctf in Russia
If you think I'm going to tell you about the great "mochilove" in some steep 3D-shooter, or the yard playing with sticks and rags - you'd be wrong. It's about competition in computer security. In Russia.
A little background information:

CTF - a team competition whose aim is to assess the ability of participants to attack and defend computer systems.
Each team is given the server (the image for Dev), which has a number of services (all identical). Services, as you may have guessed, have a number of security vulnerabilities and deliberately introduced by their developers. Typically, services are distinguished by 5-9 programming languages.

The goal - to ensure the efficiency of its services, protection of the flag (some information on the server), capture the flag of the enemy. Ie essentially the problem boils down to:
  • poddezhanie health services, which is periodically checked by the jury
  • patches for the development of services that eliminate the vulnerability
  • writing exploits for vulnerabilities, drawing flags from enemy servers.

OS on the server, the languages ??in which services will be written and so on. known in advance.
The event usually lasts 7-8 hours.
The game is produced both locally and remotely via the Internet.

Actually CTF in Russia:

What is worse than a drunken Russian hacker:)
In Russia, the following events:
UralCTF - since 2006, severe Ural students and graduates of USU and the team Chelyabinsk competitions are held regionally.
Official site UralCTF.

In 2008, with the support of USU and a number of sponsors, the team held the first open HackerDom interuniversity competition to protect information RuCTF 2008. Then the competition was attended by 9 teams.
In 2009, application for participation in RuCTF 2009 Filed already 31 teams! The competition was held in two phases. First qualifying round was held remote RuCTF Quals, on the basis of which we selected 16 teams. They went into the main stage of the competition, which took place in person at USU. Team won SiBears.
Official site RuCTF.

June 27, 2009 in TTI SFU took first in the south of Russia competition of this kind - UfoCTF 2009. Participated 4 teams. In one of them was me. :)
Official site UfoCTF.

CTF abroad:

There's a CTF play a long time. At Defcon, the world's largest hacker convention, held every year in Las Vegas, CTF is one of the most favorite parts.
For example, Defcon 2009 Quals - remote play, which lasts two days. Is essentially a qualifying round, which is shown by the result of 9 teams from around the world who go to Las Vegas for the training round. The lucky ones will visit on Defcon'e!
Official site Defcon CTF.

It is also very popular CIPHER and UCSB iCTF. They may take part in undergraduate and graduate students:) Competitions take place remotely via the Internet.

Official site C.I.P.H.E.R.
Official site of UCSB iCTF

Now, as we participate in international competitions online as an example of two teams - HackerDom and SiBears:
Both teams involved in the UCSB iCTF, CIPHER and DEFCON.


2007, CIPHER (3) - HackerDom 12/26 place.
2008, CIPHER (4) - HackerDom 1 / 31 seats. SiBears - 21/31.
2009, CIPHER (5) - HackerDom 2 / 34 site. SiBears - 5 / 34 place.
2006 UCSB iCTF - HackerDom 19/25
2007 UCSB iCTF - HackerDom 3 / 36, SiBears - 10/36.
2008 UCSB iCTF - Sibears 2 / 39, HackerDom - 4 / 39.
2008 DEFCON - HackerDom 24/372
2009 DEFCON - 50/224 HackerDom, SiBears 55/224

In addition to these two teams in the competition involved a lot of teams from Russia. For example, the CIPHER (5) of the 33 teams - 12 Russian. Soon it will be the Russian competition! :)

To summarize, I can say only that damn glad that CTF in Russia is, and that it develops! And damn nice in all that participate!
In my university culture CTF in its infancy ... but we will make every effort to develop it not only at the level of our team, but also at the level of the whole university.

PS: This is my first post here, in addition, blogging has never worked, so I'd like to hear objective comments that no further errors to pull out of the post in the post. Additional questions on the topic are welcome. :)

The text was drafted in HabraRedaktore
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