Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Cracked the 1024bit encryption rsa
Cracked the 1024bit encryption rsa
Vulnerability has been found in the implementation of the algorithm RSA, will allow researchers to crack 1024 bit encryption. Fortunately, for the implementation of burglary requires physical access to the holder of "private key", so that big companies are hardly affected. As for the usual gadgets, it is enough not to lose sight of them. University of Michigan doctoral student Andrea Pellegrino (Andrea Pellegrini) tomorrow will present a progress report at the conference «Design, Automation and Test in Europe» (DATE) in Dresden. But, we go to the heart.

The attack on the algorithm was carried out by an artificial call error by changing the voltage on the CPU. The result is an error in communication with other clients, and managed to get a small portion of the key, and once it has gathered enough parts, the key has been restored offline. All about everything it took 104 hours of 81 Pentium 4 processor. Machinery was not damaged, traces of hacking remains.

Although that article only describes the vulnerability, researchers from the University stated that they also offer a fairly simple solution. To do this, they say, is sufficient to apply the "salt", you can reorder numbers randomly for each query key.

Whatever it was, the researchers believe that the algorithm is still quite protected and are awaiting only some changes in RSA in the near future.

To speak English - a reference to an article on the university site and the full version of this article with all the technical details in PDF.

An important refinement of atd: the essence of the published studies are not in the "breaking RSA» and accurate implementation of the attack on the basis of error of iron. Because predicted such a class of attacks has been a long time, and many have theorized about it. Now come up with a new approach to this kind of attacks and implemented in relation to the determination of iron (FPGA-based SPARC).
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