Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Compliance by google and verizon principles of "network neutrality"?
Compliance by google and verizon principles of "network neutrality"?

Already Habre published the news that the combined efforts of Google and Verizon in the formulation of the principles of freedom of the network to bear fruit - was published a list of so-called principle of network neutrality. In the published document, for example, invited to officially ban the IT-companies in the field of telecom in any way limit the traffic or else prioritize types of traffic.

A list of these priorities, developed jointly by the above companies have already submitted to the U.S. Federal Communications Committees (the notorious FCC). In general, one of the main points of the document is the prohibition to restrict traffic providers. Such a prohibition, for example, does not allow prodvayderam restrict VoIP-traffic (and not so long ago there was a scandal on this ground, when in different countries, different providers zasobiralsya restrict Skype-traffic - particularly distinguished mobile provider).

But it's not so easy as it seems. These principles of network neutrality, published by Google and Verizon, may be only a cover for secret affairs of both companies. Now there are rumors that just going to Google and Verizon have agreed to allocate priority to certain kinds of traffic, as well as to restrict the traffic of various kinds for different users.

As soon as the secret was revealed, and were issued "guidelines" that sort of show that "we have nothing to do with it." We - it's Google with Verizon. Now companies claim that their clients are free to choose their own priority in the consumption of certain kinds of traffic.

Companies argue that one of the most important factor in web development - full awareness of Internet users about their own work on the web. In other words, the user should see that he gets, and what can be known third-party companies that provide various content and communications services.

In general, the country got a situation - in fact many times, and Google, and Verizon was accused of various violations of the principles of free Internet (Habre Just recently there was news about the presence of "spyware" software in the open seems to Chromium), and Suddenly and both companies serve almost as "legislators of Liberty." But of course, if these principles are actually implemented (which is unlikely), the Internet will be free, and users - happy. Or not?

What do you think of their own free will is published in the "principles", or companies are just trying to solve the difficult situation for themselves, maintain their own prestige and "face"?
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