Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Come up with sophisticated and easytoremember passwords
Come up with sophisticated and easytoremember passwords
Relatively frequently come across articles on the Habre somehow related to passwords. For example, this or this or this. Topic interesting and I decided to make a contribution.

I'm already five years using his method, and during that time has not forgotten any of his passwords. The average length of the password - 18 characters. Numbers, special characters in the set. I call this technique "using a mask," and has repeatedly described it in the comments to articles about passwords. Thus, a small step HowTo:
1. As the name implies, it is necessary to choose a mask the password. This line should be complex, contain numbers, symbols, alphabet in all possible registers, special characters, etc. Remember all this biliberdu have once. For example, I chose a mask «MySecrEt +*######_ 83". Here the symbols grids - not part of the mask, instead we will enter ...
2. ... Their association with the resource on which the password is used. For example, for Habra resulting password can be «MySecrEt + * itcommunity_83». It is very important that as a "salt" in the mask fits exactly your association with the resource. The first came in the head. For Rutaceae account password can be used «MySecrEt + * dangerous_83». You can feel free to use whole words: if your mask is rather complicated and exhaustive search through the dictionary does not help to reveal the password.
3. Now, when you go to any resource, you can not contract the forehead - write your secret mask and the first association. If you do not help - the second association. Third. In my experience the most severe cases - three attempts. Was some sort of unknown life, the association which was not quite obvious. If absolutely nothing works - well, reset the password and set a new association is often difficult.

After all these manipulations, we obtain a password that is impossible to brute force to break (the password for Habra in the example has a length of 24 characters), which is difficult to search on a dictionary (which is possible only if the disclosure of your mask attacker), which is very simple remember.

In order to somehow distinguish between the security zone, you can use different masks for different categories of resources. For example, passwords for accounts Rutaceae servers - one category, passwords sotsseti, Twitter and other things - the other category, the five-minute thrash - the third. So you can minimize the risks of disclosure mask the password.

P.S. If there are any suggestions for improvement - write in comments.
P.P.S. I do not claim authorship of this technique. It is possible that someone before me suggested that such a method.
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