Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Buying plus account on vimeo com
Buying plus account on vimeo com
One winter morning a colleague said that in various browsers on a page Presenting Vimeo Plus, shows a different value of the subscription. It was $ 49.95 and $ 59.95. Immediately suspicion crept in, why is it so strange marks Vimeo annual subscription. While in my car all browsers show the same amount.

After a little research, we realized that the price is stored in a cookie named 5vimeo_cart:

% 7B% 22item_class% 22% 3A% 22AccountFeatures% 22% 2C% 22user_for% 22% 3Anull% 2C% 22item_identifier% 22 % 3A1% 2C% 22name% 22% 3A% 22Vimeo + Plus% 3Cimg + src% 3D% 27% 5C% 2Fassets% 5C% 2Fimages% 5C% 2Ficon_plus_tiny.png% 27% 5C% 2F% 3E% 22% 2C% 22cost % 22% 3A59.95% 7D

reasons for such different amounts of affixing not been elucidated. As an experiment, decided to try to put the value and try to buy a subscription for one year. Just for this was an appropriate card with $ 4 per account (had nothing to lose, you still would not have removed more). Change the cookie to specify the data cards and voila - a subscription for one year for $ 0.01:


The page says that the price is $ 59.95, but on the bank statement - written off $ 0.01. After that I immediately wrote a letter to the administration of Vimeo with a description of the problem and our crimes.

I did not think that such a serious project will validate the data on a server.

PS. The post was written as much in January and was lying in the drafts. Just tried to repeat it all, probably all the same bug is already closed, although to my letter so no one answered.
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