Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Bring back my money cash!
Bring back my money cash!
It happens that the usual, seemingly a thing occurs with such zest, followed by a look at this thing very differently. As it happened, and I have ... a couple of years to withdraw money from the card in a hundred places and troubles do not know ... but here came to a town and in the first ATM I met this same zest. Moreover, place and circumstances were such that for a few moments of food for thought and experience accumulated for two weeks in advance.

For some reason I thought it might be only in the country of evergreen presidents, and we have - just do not have personnel to do it. It turns out that I am profoundly mistaken. Just not every day you come across something that I had read about only in magazines / internet or seen in movies [by the way, do not remember a single movie, wherever figured skimmer:)].

What is a skimmer? If you make a request in Yandex, the first row becomes clear that this is a pump for cleaning swimming pools. But judge for yourself - the pump and ATM ... that something is not right. Although, the pump pumping Grandma at ATM - complete)

Without going into the history of the origin of the name, a skimmer - a small device that can help attackers to use your credit card.

Those in the topic, perhaps now read and giggle over my interpretation, but this is the first interpretation that occurred to me.

Skimmer usually consists of two elements - the bill keypad (PIN pad) and scanning the magnetic tape cards.

Pin-Pad akkurat placed over native ATM keyboard, and allows hackers to find out your PIN (you can also use a miniature camera), the scanner also hangs over the slot receiving cards. Moreover, masking does its dirty work.

You insert the card into the ATM (no idea what place it in the scanner card attacks, after which the card falls into the desired slot ATM) - voila, the data on your map (dump) is either on a storage device in the scanner, or wirelessly already assigned to someone else. Next you enter your PIN, which is also either stored or immediately sent. All in order to enjoy your money, still only make a duplicate card, which is, apparently, quite easily - by using the dump is programmed faceless piece of plastic and ready.

By the way, much worse than if no bill keypad on the device receiving the ATM cards do not have, or just someone firing as you enter your PIN. Even worse, if that you come out of his namytogo to a mirror shine Audi Q7 (99, third boomer, Lancer - underline), the upbeat sheepskin coat, with a headset, but without a helmet. In this case, have all chances to get stupid with something heavy on my head and might as well give the money to the card. But this case is not so interesting - gop-stop has been always and everywhere.

Despite the fact that we always look at the ATM before you insert the card at the time I inserted it. Were not alone, it was not up to the ATM. I was about to enter a PIN code, I noticed that the keyboard is not flat, but convex, as should not be. Comparing fast finger texture Claudia and ATM, mentally trying to convince myself that everything is OK. A second later told friends:
Damn, hike skimmer.
Frozen. Poddevayu fingernail keyboard ... first entered the nail, then a finger ... a solid sex). When I realized that Claudia moves away, I decided that I broke the ATM and that under the buttons nothing will happen, but I stupidly glue it back, and take the money.
Picking claves, we are struck dumb - there was an exact copy of our Claudia, just a perfectly flat surface built into the ATM.
E-May, Burumych, skimmer! Skimmer, his mother! About the Gods, the first time I saw this, turn, give sfotkayu!
Yes, it is also the first time I've seen. Only my dump is already there, but it must be somebody's yours)

I translate a look at card reader - nothing wondering, trying to pull a card. Nothing comes out. I recall about the Cancel button, shake - map climbs. Huh.
Poddevaya nails protruding card reader, it also leaves - from which the horror only increased. A few seconds considering the device - burn some light bulbs, batteries, accurate soldering ... yes, it is clear that these issues are serious. In another moment all of us at the same time visiting the idea that the longer we stay here is not worth it)

After that, everything in the film) Cops have promised to arrive within an hour, which in our case, of course, we have not made any weather. Skimmer peacefully returned to their rightful owners) And we, knowing that we walk under God, teleport.

In general, about such emotions were when we first met. What kind of food for thought if we got?

First of all, it was the first practice session - learn how to look, what it represents, by whom and how is protected. All of the text on - guess.

From unreliable sources, the price for a set of devices of this type (the glands themselves, software, etc.) costs about 3-5 thousand dollars (despite the fact that nothing supernatural is not there), which is already at least a reason not to leave the device unattended. Price depends on design and on the set. Something that can work autonomously for a long time, something to store dumps in their own memory card, something - immediately transmits the information to owners (exotic).

Quote from some site: "Information about the Skimmer has appeared in the news more than once, but the devices are improving every day. At this time the skimmer will not need to come to the ATM to withdraw the information - it will be sent via SMS. The device can send SMS to 1856 on one charge. Worth 8.5 thousand dollars. And the paint for exterior parts bought on the same plants that manufacturers of ATMs is taken into account the temperature, slope angle, the painting. At first glance it almost impossible to distinguish.

The only thing BUT ... If the bank's employees will react quickly and track the attacker's SIM card, then catch it, it may be easier and ...

So, somewhere in the line of sight as though someone that is, even if you do not see it. But you see, for example, tinted nines across the road) Since the work has been, in fact - the protection of the object, then I am almost sure that the proportions of his - like a decent guard)

If you believe that fool all tearing skimmer and ran - not in a hurry to rejoice. Can be found on the dump, and a passport could let fly - anything can happen;) but then the happy End, can not happen. So think about whether it is worth contacting - could easily withdraw the money elsewhere?

Then you can reflect on the habitat of skimmers. Naturally, it is the perfect place - where more people, and not students with scholarships, such as normal people. I think the skimmer you can meet at train stations, airports, casinos, cafes, cinemas, shops, art and other gorbushek - one word in places where people want to withdraw more money.

After wandering a couple of hours to scoop and Gorbushka, passing a couple of stations - I do not find interesting. Hence, again the conclusion that the devices are in place are not always the case.

I suppose that the first guys find out which mode is served fish place - on what days and what time arrive collectors get the money, how much they are passing, and so on. Because collectors probably different every time, then hope for their humanity to the skimmer attacker is not worth it. So, probably, skimmers stick and shoot several times a day.

But this is again something so ensues. Even the most lonely ATM typically cost cameras, for which someone should be so visible from the security services. And about the ATM in the offices of the bank I did not say. Thus, I can not believe that every time hanging device at the ATM, no one noticed and do nothing. Yes, an attacker could for a few seconds to cover a camera, having had time to do their job ... but it also should occur several times a day!! I think even permanently hang the device, and do not have to - just hang a couple of hours one evening a festive day.

Which begs the conclusion from the same source? And so, all aware of this. And if the girl at the reception should simply close our eyes to this, the owners of the banks certainly do not live only in the interest of depositors =) otherwise dilute a sense trough under his nose, they do not. Thus, once again proved the ratio of the banking sector to the average user, honest, sometimes, man. And sorry)

Once going to the bank at the entrance I met a guard who came out for a smoke. Without thinking, I decided to talk to him - such a dialogue have emerged:

Hello, wanted to ask a couple questions about the security of ATMs.
- Try it.
(The forehead) - Do you know what a skimmer?
- Uh, I heard what?
Recently met for the first time such a device - discovered it only when the card is inserted, but the code is not entered. Can not know the pin-code to pay on my behalf, such as Internet or simply stores?
- This is honestly say I do not know. But better safe than sorry - Come, get out, but change the code, it takes 10 minutes. And where he met gizmo something?
There's something. But, honestly, I was surprised - thought this only in the states, and write about them only in magazines.
- Heh ... in the states =) You live in Russia. While the Americans to think of something we already do "anti". They are viruses that have been anti-virus and vice versa. So that the country's desire to pull money by doing nothing, these devices can not be.
Even so! And many of us ... in London?
- Yes, enough. That's where you live?
There's something
- Well ... not far from me. Search - FIND)
Interesting. And why are they were not fighting?
- Yes, it does not fight ... fight. Just once they do, then it is someone has to.
True, there is no smoke without fire. And as the bosses of banks have on this, they are aware of?
(Emboldened) - Of course! )
Wah. Ie, it turns out that is not removed even if only because the bosses are too profitable?
(Smiling) - Well ... anything can happen. And you do all this why?
Why, encountered by chance, I know.
- Look, be careful. You now have some sort of law at the institute?
No, but something similar happened.
- And what was not taught what questions to ask and who can and who are - no?
Do not taught, but I have to you solely for peaceful purposes;)
- Yes, understandable. Just occasionally, by setting a safe, it would seem, the question can cause an inappropriate response. Same thing with the behavior. He knew now that the ATM can not knock?
Nope, but that, in response effort? ;)
- None. But it may already fall under the property damage. So we recently went to a drunken hit - came to the van, tied up and taken away. There's also full of sensors inside ... and go prove that you did not want to hack.
Seriously you have here. Okay, let's go. Tell us something about their device, attach, serving as?
- Well, what is there to tell. As arranged, I do not know exactly, but found not so difficult. This old lady of 80 years, which the government all this time nai * yvalo no longer understand these jokes, and you if you see something sticking out - not the Sui and all take off elsewhere.
And if otorvut and coiled?
- Well tear =) You understand that such things are not without supervision ... not at once, and then find somewhere. Tap on the shoulder, he did not notice it.
Interesting ... and that absolutely no one cares until it all?
- Why did ... happen, sometimes, performances - are passing spices, all of whom have bent fingers for show ... but then again everything in its place rises.
And you have here was that interesting?
- Nope, it's more on ATMs without banks, although anything can happen.
Ah, you have a bank out there, yes ...
- The maximum used to snatch the money ... but this is again, whose fault? Look, look ... came with a bundle of money ... that's not something to hide at once, do not remove it? Calculate the same then you can ... or pin-codes are introduced, not shutting down ... and you can spy thousands of ways. And then complain ...

Where is your machine for? ;)
(Smile) - Yes, I won, the tank today. By no means run away, if that:) Okay, come on, not the month of May, I will. Mota into their heads.
Good luck, thank you!

In general, here's the dialogue came out, but almost no specifics. Later, by accident I managed to find the network rights in the subject, which again would not be able to find) I took him a long time, but still a bit of information, again confirming my guesses, appeared:

HQ: What are the types (a way to store, transfer method, power)? What are the sizes? What about the prices and depend on what? Where are - whether they make standard?
He: Each unit individually in fact - to sharpen to a specific ATM, because main desired property - the invisibility. Standard of no one else does, because it is still a criminal act, but it does not mean that they are doing everything manually. The price of the skimmer turnkey - from 5000 and above. Basically this stand-alone devices with built-in memory - "set, waited, took off, with data transfer options I had, but obviously it's much safer for the owners.

/ / Here the source is not told about the size of devaysov, but I found a couple of interesting pictures on the Internet. Yes, yes, even this here "lighter" (more correctly, "Cube") in your hand the person next to you in a position to pull the your state.

H: How do they attach? Is stupidly over Claudia and crevices. But I've heard that most simply put the camera. Maybe something else came up?
He: That's right - in simple models is fixed only on the card reader + camera for taking pincode. Ways to fix the camera a lot.

/ / Glancing eyes picture the ATM, to figure out where one could hide a camera. If this is not an 'additional' camera in a bank that looks like this, the option is not so much. If a tall man, the camera can be glued to the top of the ATM, protruding over Claudia - just will not see them, but slightly bent - easily. Or you can hang your "lamp" for lighting, in clear plastic which hide the "seed" of the camera (see how big the camera in some video intercom? "." - A little more of this point)

Or, here's how to Pictures from the Internet - in a box for reklamok originally awarded only informational function.

Well, or your code can be stupidly standing next to spy on people:) So mirrors on ATMs glue on purpose. Taking care of the clients for their ATM also put a special "fence" on the keyboard, which helps not to burn the code.

H: Where are most often - in closed or open ATMs? Can any ATMs or banks particularly irresponsible to refer to this as some kind of - value the customers? Favorite habitat? Where more - in Moscow or St. Petersburg?

He: is preferable to open ATMs. The greater permeability of the people - the better. As for banks - xs. Any Fricker you do not say or knowingly "change" you want the names of banks in places;) should, of course, anything but say that their ATM zaskimmili will not be none. Where more - IMHO, in St. Petersburg. But in Moscow, of course, is also missing.

Again, I: A little more on price - can be bought only in an Internet or sold in the supermarkets too? :) What's in this case the change? What can I do for a man if he took off the skimmer? )

He: Ready Set, bought at Mitino or elsewhere - 99% will be inoperative or have used, and it is difficult to find what you need. On the Internet people are more willing to go to the contact, but just can not buy it, or at an inflated price. Price, again, under the order - from 5000. If you managed to remove the skimmer - the case for small - to drain out Old and sell it for carders. Or loot. Himself to pour cash equivalent - equivalent surrenders to authorities.

/ / Hmm, something again that figure 5K usd;) The forums also offer a completely different - from 1K to 15.

H: Who are all those involved - in fact not just pioneers of Radio Engineering? How can they establish - under the camera each day ATM put in the morning and removed before the arrival of collectors? Or even they are not a hindrance? )
He: Who is responsible? Smart and cautious phreakers (not to be confused with the freaks - my note.). The most common method of installation - after the arrival and departure armored group, after 5-10 minutes of "group" is returned. and once again leaves. The scheme is acceptable to the OPG, which may allow to simulate clothing masters. A simpler version - set in the evening and night, ie, little people, the collection is not guaranteed to arrive until the morning (arrival time is calculated by simple observation), but the security higher. Still attached and detached skimmers are usually "noisy group of students", ie crowd around an ATM ("blocks suckers"), put the skimmer ... and options for fantasy ...

H: I'd like some numbers) Their risk is justified at least - how profitable takyaa fishing? Or if not in dollars, at least in the number of dumps. How often tyryat skimmers? )

He: The price of freedom for each is different, someone at risk who do not. It happens that the usual, seemingly a thing occurs with such zest, followed by a look at this thing very differently. As it happened, and I have ... a couple of years to withdraw money from the card in a hundred places and troubles do not know ... but here came to a town and in the first ATM I met this same zest. Moreover, place and circumstances were such that for a few moments of food for thought and experience accumulated for two weeks in advance.

For some reason I thought it might be only in the country of evergreen presidents, and we have - just do not have personnel to do it. It turns out that I am profoundly mistaken. Just not every day you come across something that I had read about only in magazines / internet or seen in movies [by the way, do not remember a single movie, wherever figured skimmer:)].What is a skimmer? If you make a request in Yandex, the first row becomes clear that this is a pump for cleaning swimming pools. But judge for yourself - the pump and ATM ... that something is not right. Although, the pump pumping Grandma at ATM - complete)

Without going into the history of the origin of the name, a skimmer - a small device that can help attackers to use your credit card.Those in the topic, perhaps now read and giggle over my interpretation, but this is the first interpretation that occurred to me.

Skimmer usually consists of two elements - the bill keypad (PIN pad) and scanning the magnetic tape cards.

Pin-Pad akkurat placed over native ATM keyboard, and allows hackers to find out your PIN (you can also use a miniature camera), the scanner also hangs over the slot receiving cards. Moreover, masking does its dirty work.

You insert the card into the ATM (no idea what place it in the scanner card attacks, after which the card falls into the desired slot ATM) - voila, the data on your map (dump) is either on a storage device in the scanner, or wirelessly already assigned to someone else. Next you enter your PIN, which is also either stored or immediately sent. All in order to enjoy your money, still only make a duplicate card, which is, apparently, quite easily - by using the dump is programmed faceless piece of plastic and ready.

By the way, much worse than if no bill keypad on the device receiving the ATM cards do not have, or just someone firing as you enter your PIN. Even worse, if that you come out of his namytogo to a mirror shine Audi Q7 (99, third boomer, Lancer - underline), the upbeat sheepskin coat, with a headset, but without a helmet. In this case, have all chances to get stupid with something heavy on my head and might as well give the money to the card. But this case is not so interesting - gop-stop has been always and everywhere.

Despite the fact that we always look at the ATM before you insert the card at the time I inserted it. Were not alone, it was not up to the ATM. I was about to enter a PIN code, I noticed that the keyboard is not flat, but convex, as should not be. Comparing fast finger texture Claudia and ATM, mentally trying to convince myself that everything is OK. A second later told friends:

Damn, hike skimmer.

Frozen. Poddevayu fingernail keyboard ... first entered the nail, then a finger ... a solid sex). When I realized that Claudia moves away, I decided that I broke the ATM and that under the buttons nothing will happen, but I stupidly glue it back, and take the money.. Picking claves, we are struck dumb - there was an exact copy of our Claudia, just a perfectly flat surface built into the ATM.

E-May, Burumych, skimmer! Skimmer, his mother! About the Gods, the first time I saw this, turn, give sfotkayu!. Yes, it is also the first time I've seen. Only my dump is already there, but it must be somebody's yours)

I translate a look at card reader - nothing wondering, trying to pull a card. Nothing comes out. I recall about the Cancel button, shake - map climbs. Huh.. Poddevaya nails protruding card reader, it also leaves - from which the horror only increased. A few seconds considering the device - burn some light bulbs, batteries, accurate soldering ... yes, it is clear that these issues are serious. In another moment all of us at the same time visiting the idea that the longer we stay here is not worth it)

After that, everything in the film) Cops have promised to arrive within an hour, which in our case, of course, we have not made any weather. Skimmer peacefully returned to their rightful owners) And we, knowing that we walk under God, teleport.. In general, about such emotions were when we first met. What kind of food for thought if we got?

First of all, it was the first practice session - learn how to look, what it represents, by whom and how is protected. All of the text on - guess.. From unreliable sources, the price for a set of devices of this type (the glands themselves, software, etc.) costs about 3-5 thousand dollars (despite the fact that nothing supernatural is not there), which is already at least a reason not to leave the device unattended. Price depends on design and on the set. Something that can work autonomously for a long time, something to store dumps in their own memory card, something - immediately transmits the information to owners (exotic).Quote from some site: "Information about the Skimmer has appeared in the news more than once, but the devices are improving every day. At this time the skimmer will not need to come to the ATM to withdraw the information - it will be sent via SMS. The device can send SMS to 1856 on one charge. Worth 8.5 thousand dollars. And the paint for exterior parts bought on the same plants that manufacturers of ATMs is taken into account the temperature, slope angle, the painting. At first glance it almost impossible to distinguish.

The only thing BUT ... If the bank's employees will react quickly and track the attacker's SIM card, then catch it, it may be easier and ....

So, somewhere in the line of sight as though someone that is, even if you do not see it. But you see, for example, tinted nines across the road) Since the work has been, in fact - the protection of the object, then I am almost sure that the proportions of his - like a decent guard)

If you believe that fool all tearing skimmer and ran - not in a hurry to rejoice. Can be found on the dump, and a passport could let fly - anything can happen;) but then the happy End, can not happen. So think about whether it is worth contacting - could easily withdraw the money elsewhere?

Then you can reflect on the habitat of skimmers. Naturally, it is the perfect place - where more people, and not students with scholarships, such as normal people. I think the skimmer you can meet at train stations, airports, casinos, cafes, cinemas, shops, art and other gorbushek - one word in places where people want to withdraw more money.. After wandering a couple of hours to scoop and Gorbushka, passing a couple of stations - I do not find interesting. Hence, again the conclusion that the devices are in place are not always the case.

I suppose that the first guys find out which mode is served fish place - on what days and what time arrive collectors get the money, how much they are passing, and so on. Because collectors probably different every time, then hope for their humanity to the skimmer attacker is not worth it. So, probably, skimmers stick and shoot several times a day.

But this is again something so ensues. Even the most lonely ATM typically cost cameras, for which someone should be so visible from the security services. And about the ATM in the offices of the bank I did not say. Thus, I can not believe that every time hanging device at the ATM, no one noticed and do nothing. Yes, an attacker could for a few seconds to cover a camera, having had time to do their job ... but it also should occur several times a day!! I think even permanently hang the device, and do not have to - just hang a couple of hours one evening a festive day.. Which begs the conclusion from the same source? And so, all aware of this. And if the girl at the reception should simply close our eyes to this, the owners of the banks certainly do not live only in the interest of depositors =) otherwise dilute a sense trough under his nose, they do not. Thus, once again proved the ratio of the banking sector to the average user, honest, sometimes, man. And sorry)

Once going to the bank at the entrance I met a guard who came out for a smoke. Without thinking, I decided to talk to him - such a dialogue have emerged:

Hello, wanted to ask a couple questions about the security of ATMs.

- Try it.

(The forehead) - Do you know what a skimmer?

- Uh, I heard what?Recently met for the first time such a device - discovered it only when the card is inserted, but the code is not entered. Can not know the pin-code to pay on my behalf, such as Internet or simply stores? <<>> - This is honestly say I do not know. But better safe than sorry - Come, get out, but change the code, it takes 10 minutes. And where he met gizmo something? <<>> There's something. But, honestly, I was surprised - thought this only in the states, and write about them only in magazines. <<>> - Heh ... in the states =) You live in Russia. While the Americans to think of something we already do "anti". They are viruses that have been anti-virus and vice versa. So that the country's desire to pull money by doing nothing, these devices can not be. <<>> Even so! And many of us ... in London? <<>> - Yes, enough. That's where you live? <<>> There's something <<>> - Well ... not far from me. Search - FIND) <<>> Interesting. And why are they were not fighting? <<>> - Yes, it does not fight ... fight. Just once they do, then it is someone has to. <<>> True, there is no smoke without fire. And as the bosses of banks have on this, they are aware of? <<>> (Emboldened) <<>> - Of course! ) <<>> Wah. Ie, it turns out that is not removed even if only because the bosses are too profitable? <<>> (Smiling) - Well ... anything can happen. And you do all this why? <<>> Why, encountered by chance, I know. <<>> - Look, be careful. You now have some sort of law at the institute? <<>> No, but something similar happened. <<>> - And what was not taught what questions to ask and who can and who are - no? <<>> Do not taught, but I have to you solely for peaceful purposes;) <<>> - Yes, understandable. Just occasionally, by setting a safe, it would seem, the question can cause an inappropriate response. Same thing with the behavior. He knew now that the ATM can not knock? <<>> Nope, but that, in response effort? ;) <<>> - None. But it may already fall under the property damage. So we recently went to a drunken hit - came to the van, tied up and taken away. There's also full of sensors inside ... and go prove that you did not want to hack. <<>> Seriously you have here. Okay, let's go. Tell us something about their device, attach, serving as? <<>> - Well, what is there to tell. As arranged, I do not know exactly, but found not so difficult. This old lady of 80 years, which the government all this time nai * yvalo no longer understand these jokes, and you if you see something sticking out - not the Sui and all take off elsewhere. <<>> And if otorvut and coiled? <<>> - Well tear =) You understand that such things are not without supervision ... not at once, and then find somewhere. Tap on the shoulder, he did not notice it. <<>> Interesting ... and that absolutely no one cares until it all? <<>> - Why did ... happen, sometimes, performances - are passing spices, all of whom have bent fingers for show ... but then again everything in its place rises. <<>> And you have here was that interesting? <<>> - Nope, it's more on ATMs without banks, although anything can happen. <<>> Ah, you have a bank out there, yes ... <<>> - The maximum used to snatch the money ... but this is again, whose fault? Look, look ... came with a bundle of money ... that's not something to hide at once, do not remove it? Calculate the same then you can ... or pin-codes are introduced, not shutting down ... and you can spy thousands of ways. And then complain ... <<>> Where is your machine for? ;) <<>> (Smile) <<>> - Yes, I won, the tank today. By no means run away, if that:) Okay, come on, not the month of May, I will. Mota into their heads. <<>> Good luck, thank you! <<>> In general, here's the dialogue came out, but almost no specifics. Later, by accident I managed to find the network rights in the subject, which again would not be able to find) I took him a long time, but still a bit of information, again confirming my guesses, appeared: <<>> H <<>> Q: What are the types (a way to store, transfer method, power)? What are the sizes? What about the prices and depend on what? Where are - whether they make standard? <<>> He <<>>: Each unit individually in fact - to sharpen to a specific ATM, because main desired property - the invisibility. Standard of no one else does, because it is still a criminal act, but it does not mean that they are doing everything manually. The price of the skimmer turnkey - from 5000 and above. Basically this stand-alone devices with built-in memory - "set, waited, took off, with data transfer options I had, but obviously it's much safer for the owners. <<>> / / Here the source is not told about the size of devaysov, but I found a couple of interesting pictures on the Internet. Yes, yes, even this here "lighter" (more correctly, "Cube") in your hand the person next to you in a position to pull the your state. <<>> H <<>>: How do they attach? Is stupidly over Claudia and crevices. But I've heard that most simply put the camera. Maybe something else came up? <<>> He <<>>: That's right - in simple models is fixed only on the card reader + camera for taking pincode. Ways to fix the camera a lot. <<>> / / Glancing eyes picture the ATM, to figure out where one could hide a camera. If this is not an 'additional' camera in a bank that looks like this, the option is not so much. If a tall man, the camera can be glued to the top of the ATM, protruding over Claudia - just will not see them, but slightly bent - easily. Or you can hang your "lamp" for lighting, in clear plastic which hide the "seed" of the camera (see how big the camera in some video intercom? "." - A little more of this point) <<>> Or, here's how to Pictures from the Internet - in a box for reklamok originally awarded only informational function. <<>> Well, or your code can be stupidly standing next to spy on people:) So mirrors on ATMs glue on purpose. Taking care of the clients for their ATM also put a special "fence" on the keyboard, which helps not to burn the code. <<>> H <<>>: Where are most often - in closed or open ATMs? Can any ATMs or banks particularly irresponsible to refer to this as some kind of - value the customers? Favorite habitat? Where more - in Moscow or St. Petersburg? <<>> He <<>>: is preferable to open ATMs. The greater permeability of the people - the better. As for banks - xs. Any Fricker you do not say or knowingly "change" you want the names of banks in places;) should, of course, anything but say that their ATM zaskimmili will not be none. Where more - <<>> IMHO <<>> in St. Petersburg. But in Moscow, of course, is also missing. <<>> Again, I <<>>: A little more on price - can be bought only in an Internet or sold in the supermarkets too? :) What's in this case the change? What can I do for a man if he took off the skimmer? ) <<>> He <<>>: Ready Set, bought at Mitino or elsewhere - 99% will be inoperative or have used, and it is difficult to find what you need. On the Internet people are more willing to go to the contact, but just can not buy it, or at an inflated price. Price, again, under the order - from 5000. If you managed to remove the skimmer - the case for small - to drain out Old and sell it for carders. Or loot. Himself to pour cash equivalent - equivalent surrenders to authorities. <<>> / / Hmm, something again that figure 5K usd;) The forums also offer a completely different - from 1K to 15. <<>> H <<>>: Who are all those involved - in fact not just pioneers of Radio Engineering? How can they establish - under the camera each day ATM put in the morning and removed before the arrival of collectors? Or even they are not a hindrance? ) <<>> He <<>>: Who is responsible? Smart and cautious phreakers (not to be confused with the freaks - my note.). The most common method of installation - after the arrival and departure armored group, after 5-10 minutes of "group" is returned. and once again leaves. The scheme is acceptable to the OPG, which may allow to simulate clothing masters. A simpler version - set in the evening and night, ie, little people, the collection is not guaranteed to arrive until the morning (arrival time is calculated by simple observation), but the security higher. Still attached and detached skimmers are usually "noisy group of students", ie crowd around an ATM ("blocks suckers"), put the skimmer ... and options for fantasy ... <<>> H <<>>: I'd like some numbers) Their risk is justified at least - how profitable takyaa fishing? Or if not in dollars, at least in the number of dumps. How often tyryat skimmers? ) <<>> He <<>>: The price of freedom for each is different, someone at risk who do not. But not necessarily always the same to do everything myself;) does not hurt to% and everything will be. Number of dump = number of cards inserted into the ATM. Catch - no one ever talked specific numbers. But the payback is not only the apparatus, but enough for a new one. May have heard the song "The restaurant meals in the house do not have neighbors, and BWM of the seventh series - a good bike:) <> H <<>>: I've heard:) And what do do with the dumps, what their future path? Does the person to change your PIN, if he only put in a card, but did not enter the code? How quickly dump hits "in the dark hands" and how much a person has time to rescue babosov? Next make a copy of the card or what can be done at all, having a pin removed from the dump? How long does it matter transcript or 5 seconds? <<>> He <<>>: see above - they poured carders or loot. Who has any contacts there. If the PIN is not entered - no need to change it. Dump into the hands usually drops after day or two after removing the skimmer. But if the "operation" was successful, a person learns that his account did the money only for sms-banking, or at the next check card. Decipher what? Dump? Dump does not decode. Its just a clone. Yes, mules are vehicles for cloning cards (too expensive). <<>> For not so ambiguous as in the first dialogue, but nevertheless, the picture more clearly drawn. Would give me the manuscript Da Vinci, I would have guessed in a moment) <<>> climb in the internet on various forums and was surprised how much information freely available. Circuits, desoldering, firmware, manuals, step by step instructions, and besides that, most importantly - people who possess the most valuable - knowledge and information. <<>> How to read head scanner <<>> How to GSM-skimmer <<>> Just like that, of course, no one will tell) I do not dare even ambiguously something to tell, it's their bread. On the other hand - all the money is cashed, but someone in our country still earn honestly. So it turns out - from one end of the wire - the people who are afraid to chase the other - people who are afraid of losing money. And yet, do not forget that someone else is working so honestly. <<>> Which do conclusions, every man for himself makes himself;) For those too lazy to think out, I'll give a few tips to help you avoid losing mediocre recent coupons on the card: <<>> 1 <<>> Before go to the ATM, look around. Drunk, noticed something strange, suspicious - postpone removal until better times. Not for the sake of paranoia, security - look about the same as in the transition across the road.
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