Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Basic Information
Basic Information

In fact, there are four products based on technology Themida.
  • Themida (Basic 149 € / Professional 199 €)
  • WinLicense (Basic 349 € / Professional 399 €)
  • X-Bundler (Basic 79 € / Professional 119 €)
  • WinLicense DLL Control (99 €)
  • Code Virtualizer (59 €)

Basic version of the Professional differs only in the lack of ability to work with. NET applications. All that the farther we go it works as a Themida, and in WinLicense.
  • Themida - is itself the protector, which is the main subject of this article.
  • WinLicense - this is possible with the addition of Themida protection of applications based on different kinds of serial numbers. SDK WinLicense he is able to generate these serial numbers, check them, securely store, tied to iron, to create Trial serial numbers with the expiration of a specified date or after a specified number of launches to build applications that are password protected and so on.
  • X-Bundler - a plugin for Themida and WinLicense, which allows you to build a secure application external files. For example, you can build a help file or *. mp3 file. Moreover, access this file from your application as possible to the outside, lying on the disk. Application and will not know that the file is protected with Themida and is inside your *. exe. You can also build an assembly used. NET application, inside the main *. exe file.
  • WinLicense DLL Control - a plugin for WinLicense, by which to realize their protection options based on serial numbers.
  • CodeVirtualizer - a small, independent piece of Themida, which allows you solely to convert these functions within your application code for the virtual machine Themida. No other security it does not provide (anti-debugging, encryption, integrity checks and other things it does not). Can protect both x32, and x64 applications, including drivers.

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