Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Anonymus from 4chan won their own weapons
Anonymus from 4chan won their own weapons

Faceless mass of anonymous users from 4Chan, DDoS-yaschih of unwanted sites, famous for a long time. Some of them have found wide resonance among Web users - such as the time when they "put" site copyrighters RIAA, or the site of Indian companies, which dealt with ddos ??resources with illegal content. All this has received support for Internet users, such as slipped Habre news with detailed layouts and when somebody zaddosili enthusiasts from 4Chan. Slightly different happened when the forum began to "run down" to the resource Tumblr, promising soon to "hang up" Service to stay.

So, the attack on Tumblr should be made in the night from Sunday to Monday, which by themselves, and not hidden. Attack was to be done, as usual - a mass posting to a resource offering obscene images, videos and other things. As a result, the attacked resource is not enough that "lies" are usually a few hours (not so much for posting, but because of the extra DDoS-attacks carried out by an open software package LOIC), since then the administration has to spend a lot of time trying to clean out its resources from any nastiness. In general, not particularly fun night lights Tumblr and users of this service.

As it turned out, Tumblr users are not born yesterday, and they began their own attack on 4Chan, using, in the process, the same LOIC, plus laying on a forum where all cats, screenshots from the Harry Potter and stuff. 4Chan server could not stand such abuse, and "lay." Was a very interesting situation - he 4Chan was unavailable for quite a long time, plus Tumblr loaded only from time to time, but still felt better than 4Chan.

True, the Administration has not approved Tumblr enthusiasm of its users, who participated in the attack on 4Chan, and decided to block accounts, which were found to such an attack. In general, it was not like what was expected.

Via techcrunch
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