Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » A virus that masquerades as google analytics affects firefox and opera
A virus that masquerades as google analytics affects firefox and opera
Among the web pages that are added to the database free antivirus for sites SiteGuard, recently began to appear often enough pages that contain potentially hazardous iframe or javascript-code, nor do these codes have a common feature - they all were on different pages on a domain _google- analistyc.net_ (gently, at the moment there's just the word test, but may receive anything, why go to such sites should be disconnected from JS). Details - under habrakatom.

For example, the page was discovered, in turn, loads the iframe with address _http: / / / psy / _ (careful!).
The script at this address identifies the type of browser, and displays the corresponding exploits, including Firefox and Opera. Wishing to conduct experiments on their own once again emphasize that visit this site should only be disabling JavaScript in your browser, and IE users, better to refrain from experimenting. At the time of this writing, the site has not yet appeared in a database of hazardous sites Firefox.
A more detailed "debriefing" suggests that this virus has a much more serious intent than that which appeared in April of this year "clone» Google Analytics at _http: / / / _. New modification of the clone has nothing to do with the previous one, and its destructive impact is more dangerous - using browser exploits, tries to secretly download and execute the exe-file with a trojan.

The above link to telexexchange not diagnosed on-line Dr.Web scanner as a virus, probably due to the mismatch between User-agent (spider scanner issued any security code, and all browsers - less secure).

Developers of major domestic anti-virus has already informed us about this type of virus, so soon we can expect out of the database updates.

So, today, even using the right browser does not solve the problem with viruses, so it remains only to recommend the use of modern antiviral agents, and as palliatives for the users Windows - to replenish the file WINDOWS \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts entries:

UPD: Firefox 3 has already warned about the site, as potentially dangerous.
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