Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » A hole in your pocket big brother
A hole in your pocket big brother
Wired Magazine reports held last Thursday in the U.S. House of Representatives hearing on the future of the most ambitious project in modern history, the surveillance of potential terrorists. The so-called Analytical Center of the National Security (NSBAC or, more often, NSAC) has not received further funding from the Parliament in the amount of $ 11 million, which is very much hoped it created the FBI. Center - the ideological successor pretty sensational in autumn 2002 the program "Total Information Awareness» (TIA, the logo on the left), whose aim was to collect personal information about virtually all the inhabitants of the planet in real time.

After several weeks after its inception, TIA has become a prime target for attacks opponents gain intelligence agencies inside the country. Its chief ideologue, a retired admiral and a veteran of Naval Intelligence, John Poindexter (John Poindexter), during his long career had time to earn a reputation as an uncompromising and resolute businessman, no doubt start-up projects supplying money and weapons pro-US regimes and rebel movements in the Middle East and Latin America . Even though, in the U.S. Themis traditionally looks at the "antics" of special services abroad through their fingers, under public pressure, the admiral was tried for war crimes, but the case was hushed up. And when the Bush administration needed people who do not stop at anything in the "war on terror" after September 11, the choice fell on him.

In Poindexter, seems to have worked on the TIA are the same enthusiastic people. That there is only a logo, which adorns the Masonic symbol of the all-seeing eye, looking over the Western Hemisphere, which raised the conspiratorial hysteria in the society at an unprecedented level. Nevertheless, the program did not given turn. After the scandal in the press, Congress banned the TIA within the country. However, it only made its creators uyti into the shadows and continue to beat themselves through third-party funding "harmless" projects FBI. From time to time the ghosts of TIA surfaced here and there under different names, as long as under the wing of a new counterterrorism unit of the FBI NSB program again tried to "legalize."

At this time, almost got it. In October the Analytical Center of the National Security Service within the 59 staff members moved into a big new office and received $ 12 million for continued development of the database, which flocked to record with all potentially interesting sources: telephone calls and e-mail, medical services, travel " ; suspicious "individuals were to be brought under control.

But the second wave of funding, feasibility, and which was discussed on Thursday in Washington, was not destined to fill the pockets of fighters for the strengthening of paranoia. Ministry of Justice, which includes the FBI, was unable to tell Congress anything about that, on what the NRC is planning to spend the money. Was it the result of the fact that more and more experts have expressed doubts about the usefulness of a global database, or that the FBI just does not come up with than to cover up their plans openly contradict the Constitution - remains a mystery. However, the fact that even in today's atmosphere of permissiveness American "hawks" can not do what they want, inspires hope.
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