Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » A hacker has blocked more than 100 cars over the Internet
A hacker has blocked more than 100 cars over the Internet
More than 100 car owners in Austin (Texas) found their cars blocked or uncontrollable (dial tone can not be turned off), after breaking the system of immobilization, which is a local car dealer Texas Auto Center installed on cars sold on credit. This system should be activated if the client has delayed payment on the loan.

Motorists, who have begun to buzz the machine in the middle of the night, had to correct their own fault. But the only option was to remove the battery. Many people had to call a tow truck and miss work.

Hacks lasted for five days until the company changed the passwords on a central server, the control system of immobilization.

High Tech Crime Unit of the local police conducted a special operation and found the "hacker": it was 20-year-old Omar, Ramos-Lopez (Omar Ramos-Lopez), a former car dealer Texas Auto Center, who was fired just before the burglary. He entered the web-based system manufactured by Webtech Plus Pay Technologies, taking advantage of someone else's password. Burglar calculated according to his IP-address.

First, Omar Ramos-Lopez was looking in the database records on behalf of the owner. Then he found that he could gain access to the full database of 1100 clients Texas Auto Center, and began methodically to block them alphabetically.

According to the preliminary investigation, the suspect decided thus to avenge former employer. Victims were cars sold by a dealer with four trading floors in the city.

Hardware-software system involves the installation of "black boxes" for cars that are connected to the car's dashboard and receive commands from a central server system via paging. This "bug" can block the ignition system or include the horn, if overdue installment of the loan. For security reasons, can not be activated when the engine is running.

The manufacturer has formally challenged the possibility to activate the car horn in the middle of the night. According to them, this option can be activated only from 9 to 21 hours. Generally, ten years of operation of such systems is the first case of hacking.

Via Wired
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