Main » 2011 » Март » 16 » Banlist for Htaccess from xss sqlup injections Bonus bad referrers and ua
Banlist for Htaccess from xss sqlup injections Bonus bad referrers and ua
After the topic of how to detect plohobotov
general happiness would be incomplete without a ready list of scum who has already collected.

Surprisingly, no search results by keyword «perishable»,
I mean, the most advanced resource for. Htaccess protection is not mentioned on the Habre never.
Development of advanced ban list is the author since 2006., Operates the fourth generation of the list (and the planned 5-e).
He also claims that increasing the load on the Apache on the order of the swollen list - inconspicuous,
compared to feel better as a server after draining agents of the matrix and just Kiedis.

  1. left sifting methods query (delete, track, trace), which on a normal site has nothing to do
  2. checks for a query of the symbols used for prostukivaniya sites for vulnerabilities
  3. refspama retreat on the grounds of porn, pharmaceutical, gambling resources
  4. check cookies for the presence of various rot
  5. protect against exploits a specially crafted URI
  6. list of known User-Agent of bad bots (optional, need to check)
  7. filters for row parameters (which often slips SQL-inj)
  8. some IP, permanently zadalbyvavshie author
Requires mod_rewrite and mod_alias
To the local parser which is not spoiled,
copy of the rules

original post

separately (not included on the link above)
1211 bad bots and 8274 rules of spamnyh referrer (the latter are specific for burzhuneta)

Next, if you want to get a list of IP, simply rake 403 of the log.
Views: 564 | Added by: w1zard | Rating: 0.0/0
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